got too excited its ultrasnow update i think !
all done and ok just updating cydia but dare i install winterboard off cydia ? the whole process took about 3 minutes !
So does ultra snow jailbreaks and unlocks the 3Gs?
So does ultra snow jailbreaks and unlocks the 3Gs?
I purplera1n'ed so what's the diff between them? Do you have to restore to jail break with dev teams version ?
I'm on my second attempt at this. Redsn0w gets to the point where it says "waiting for reboot" but the phone never reboots... I've given it about four minutes this time and still nothing.
I'm on a 3GS. Any advice?
so winterboard works now??
That's what it sounds like and THAT would be the difference between the two. The purplera1n JB is easier but you can't use as many apps.
Now it says "Finished" but is just sitting there for a second time. The first time I closed and there was no Cydia icon...