After Purplera1n rc1 and rc2 I had some odd issues with my 3Gs..
For some reason my iPhone lost the 3G signal and I could not get it back. I had to turn off 3G via sbsettings and then airplane mode and then I got Edge back but not 3G.
I waited a good 30 min before I could turn my 3G antenna back on and then it worked. I had this happen two times to me once after rc1 and once after rc2.
I just ran redsn0w over purplera1n without a restore and so far it's worked fine although I had to reinstall everything I already installed via cydia.
For some reason my iPhone lost the 3G signal and I could not get it back. I had to turn off 3G via sbsettings and then airplane mode and then I got Edge back but not 3G.
I waited a good 30 min before I could turn my 3G antenna back on and then it worked. I had this happen two times to me once after rc1 and once after rc2.
I just ran redsn0w over purplera1n without a restore and so far it's worked fine although I had to reinstall everything I already installed via cydia.