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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Feb 25, 2002
While I would not wish to encourage any illegal behaviour, I thought it was worth mentioning the new beta3 version of iSlurp that can be found at


This software allows you to use the sharing abilities of iTunes 4 to download music from, say, one Mac you own, to another.

There are legitimate uses for this software, even if the majority will use it illegally.
Calm down.... We know it's illegal, and we promise not to use it.
Mind you, there are more posts like these on these boards. Think about your health before reading them!
i hope you remembered your blood pressue pills today.

and iTMS has no direct relation to iTunes 4 Music Sharing. this does not mean it doesn't portray a poor image to the record companies, however the iTMS DRM DOES protect it from being shared.

honestly man, take a chill-pill :cool:
i'm curious as to why you edited the url. i mean, is it not akin to say, here's a link to Limewire

i was under the impression that discussing this kind of thing was ok, while discussing actual trading is not.
Originally posted by melchior
i'm curious as to why you edited the url. i mean, is it not akin to say, here's a link to Limewire

i was under the impression that discussing this kind of thing was ok, while discussing actual trading is not.

Well that's the way it's supposed to be. As long as you are not discussing the trading of specific files. Seems like things are getting a little strick. I don't see how it's any different than me posting my hotline server address. I havn't got a warning about that.

i have a feeling the this whole iTunes Sharing is hitting a little close to home for Rower and others... Hotline, limewire, and those others are just a fact of life. people break copyright laws (not stealing!) but when they are doing it through the company that you love, it becomes much more than just a matter of concience, you want to do everything you can to protect that company from any possible harm it has allowed itself...
Originally posted by melchior
i have a feeling the this whole iTunes Sharing is hitting a little close to home for Rower and others... Hotline, limewire, and those others are just a fact of life. people break copyright laws (not stealing!) but when they are doing it through the company that you love, it becomes much more than just a matter of concience, you want to do everything you can to protect that company from any possible harm it has allowed itself...

Well possibly, but they may just genuinely not want to break any number of laws.

Also, if someone wanted to go after Arn or others associated with this site (i.e. shut them down, ruin them financially), it makes it a whole lot easier to do if the threads are full of shady (or just plain illegal) links and posts.

There's plenty of places on the net to go to for totallly unrestricted information. If Arn doesn't want this place to be one too we should respect that.
Originally posted by mim
Well possibly, but they may just genuinely not want to break any number of laws.

Also, if someone wanted to go after Arn or others associated with this site (i.e. shut them down, ruin them financially), it makes it a whole lot easier to do if the threads are full of shady (or just plain illegal) links and posts.

There's plenty of places on the net to go to for totallly unrestricted information. If Arn doesn't want this place to be one too we should respect that.

sure, if that's Arn's new policy, that's fine. i don't think it really affects anyone, MR isn't exactly a hotbed for piracy and illegal activity.. well, except for this thread. :p

just that the policy has been stated as different to what was shown in this particular thread.
I made a judgement call based on my interpretation of the rules.

The forum readmes only talk about warez and serials, but I'm taking it upon myself to add this topic as well. If I get overridden, so be it.

iSlurp, and programs like it, are the reason why many of the iTunes Sharing DBs have shut down. Rather than be a party to illegal activity, they chose to discontinue their services.

Apple gave us a powerful tool for legally sharing music and it's up to the community to not abuse it.
This is just absurd

Let me get this straight: We censor talk about iSlurp, available here:

becuase it MIGHT be used for some copyright infringing purpose? Clearly it has legitimate uses as well.

What's next? No more talk about FTP or NFS, because - god forbid - these technologies could be used to share music files?

Burning CDs? Please, no info on that. Some of the files on them might be copyrighted!

Maybe we should revert to a discussion about how pretty Hillary Rosen is. Would that make you feel better?

How does the existence of this program "abuse" Apple's powerful tools? Like anything else, it's just a tool that could be used for a variety of purposes.

Oh, by the way, itunesdl does the same thing, and it's available here:

Information wants to be free. Fight it, and you're fighting the wrong battle.
Re: This is just absurd

Originally posted by mstecker
Let me get this straight: We censor talk about iSlurp, available here:

becuase it MIGHT be used for some copyright infringing purpose? Clearly it has legitimate uses as well.

What's next? No more talk about FTP or NFS, because - god forbid - these technologies could be used to share music files?

Burning CDs? Please, no info on that. Some of the files on them might be copyrighted!

Maybe we should revert to a discussion about how pretty Hillary Rosen is. Would that make you feel better?

How does the existence of this program "abuse" Apple's powerful tools? Like anything else, it's just a tool that could be used for a variety of purposes.

Oh, by the way, itunesdl does the same thing, and it's available here:

Information wants to be free. Fight it, and you're fighting the wrong battle.

said so much better than i did. thankyou. really gets the point across. just because it's using apple's software means that you censor it? that's going too far i think.

and while we're linking....
iTunes Sharing
iLeech (sourceforge)
iSlurp(w/ b3)

get 'em while their hot and unedited :p
Hillary Rosen's quite a cute wee thing, isn't she?

Ok. I don't agree with censorship - but I do believe in respect and self control. If one of the administrators/moderators of this site believes that they shouldn't be seen to advocate (and note, I said "be seen to" - this is not the same thing as "actually doing" to anyone but a laywer) certain topics, then I see no problem with respecting that.

We've got freenet and plenty of other places for pants-down noses-up shamless free expression. Just don't muddle up "free speech" with "lack of tact" and "proprietry".
Originally posted by Rower_CPU
Allright, explain to me the legitimate uses of these programs.

honestly, personally, i don't think there are legitimate uses. the same as other file sharing networks. limewire is in no way legitimate. hotmail and kdx are different, they are private servers like ftp and http.

the bottom line? i could, if i wanted to, use itunes for legitimate distribution of music. but honestly, it could be done better other ways.

this isn't the point though. the point is the censorship. even if i can use the itunes sharing server to download songs that have have mime-embedded stenographicallly encrypted images to aid and support terrorists, i don't think it should be censored as long as we are not actually using MR for trading. is this not the premise MR has always operated on?
Originally posted by Rower_CPU
Apple gave us a powerful tool for legally sharing music and it's up to the community to not abuse it.

Agreed. I have been concerned that Apple will remove sharing in future versions of iTunes as a result of apps like these. I use the sharing around my home with multiple Macs and I tap into my home network from my iBook every day between classes. If this feature leaves iTunes it will undue all the convenience that Apple introduced to my life.

Here's a legitimate use

Herse's a legitimate use that I use all of the time:

I have a G4 on my desk in my basement office with a large collection of legitimate MP3s. They were all ripped from a stack of compact discs sitting on a shelf next to the computer.

I frequently use Rendevous streaming to play these MP3 files on my Powerbook.

Often, before I go on a trip or head to the office, I'll use a program like itunesdl or islurp to browse and copy MP3 files from my "master archive" to my laptop, as I won't have access to my archive while on the road.

This makes my life very easy, becuase the master copy of these files lives in one and only one place. I only need to worry about backing up the master.

While I used to use smb file sharing to do the same thing, it's much nicer to use the itunes sharing.

So, tell me - am I doing anything wrong? I'm pretty sure that all of the uses I have outlined fall squarely within my fair use rights.
I couldn't disagree more

Originally posted by melchior
honestly, personally, i don't think there are legitimate uses. the same as other file sharing networks. limewire is in no way legitimate.

I couldn't disagree any more with this statement. Peer-to-peer file sharing networks serve a huge social and political function - they ensure that the right to publish is not restricted to a privileged few. Their very existence places huge practical boundaries on the ability of special interests to mandate censorship.

Remember that FOR THE MOMENT we're squabbling about music, but what do programs like Limewire do in more repressive countries? Or in the more repressive country that some would gladly have this one become? They deliver the news. They deliver censored educational content. They allow for political discourse. If we talk ourselves into banning tools like this today, we deprive ourself from their benefits tomorrow.

Ultimately, we need to accept that there is no way to protect digital content. Any valuable content whose worth can be reduced to a collection of bits will be distributed. We can choose to either accept this - and allow new market paradigms to form around it - or we can choose to fight the inevitable by building a digital police state. How many of us really want the latter?

"I worry about my child and the Internet all the time, even though she's too young to have logged on yet. Here's what I worry about. I worry that 10 or 15 years from now, she will come to me and say 'Daddy, where were you when they took freedom of the press away from the Internet?'"

Please visit
Re: Here's a legitimate use

Originally posted by mstecker
Herse's a legitimate use that I use all of the time:

Often, before I go on a trip or head to the office, I'll use a program like itunesdl or islurp to browse and copy MP3 files from my "master archive" to my laptop, as I won't have access to my archive while on the road.

While I used to use smb file sharing to do the same thing, it's much nicer to use the itunes sharing.

but.... you can only transfer one file at a time that way. sure you may like to browse using the itunes interface, but... it really presses my imagination that you could prefer islurp or itunesdl so a more normal file tranfer system....

and as for p2p networks that facilitate more than just music i think this is a case of perspective. i see them as services designed for trading of illegal content that CAN - POSSIBLY be used for legitimate and even 'worthy' causes.

this thread is a little weird. i started on the over side of the tracks, then crossed over and i'm about to lay down how i feel about it all.

i hate censorship, really, i think it's a bad thing. i think that the people who are censoring public material have no right to be choosing. these are very general statements. there are lots of exceptions and it all depends on specific circumstances. But! my point! i have no illusions whatsoever about the reasons for the existence of p2p networks or why the internet got to be so big. it is not information as i wish i could believe. it is open access to pornography and things you would otherwise have to pay for. as the internet matures, this changes, but that is what is at the root.

trading copyrighted music is bad. using itunes to do it is bad. the fact that you can use itunesdl or islurp legitimately does not makes them legitimate by default.
I really hope the iTunes streaming capability isn't pulled from iTunes because of this. If you want to illegally download music, use a p2p app like Limewire or Acquisition. Don't ruin this cool feature for everyone.
Re: Re: Here's a legitimate use

Originally posted by melchior
trading copyrighted music is bad. using itunes to do it is bad. the fact that you can use itunesdl or islurp legitimately does not makes them legitimate by default.

Prying into vending machines is bad. Using a crowbar from Home Hardware is bad. The fact that you can use a crowbar legitimately does not make it legitimate by default.
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