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I wasn't sure of the details (available ISP bandwidth, file sizes, ....). But I'm not sure by what you really plan to do with the tape either.
  • Do you mean to do it all yourself (i.e. keep a set of tapes stored at home, and the system in the office sort of situation)?
  • Or do you plan on using a proper tape storage company (i.e. use couriers to ship your tapes to say a mountain storage facility)?
I ask, as keeping the tapes locally can protect you somewhat, but not from everything (i.e. your data would be safe if the office burnt down, but not if there was a flood that takes out both the house and office). Hopefully you get where I'm going with this...

Will buy a LTO-5 drive myself and do all my backing up manually. Probably keep a stash of tapes in my safety deposit box or other trusted location...maybe Cheyenne Mountain. :D
Will buy a LTO-5 drive myself and do all my backing up manually. Probably keep a stash of tapes in my safety deposit box or other trusted location...maybe Cheyenne Mountain. :D
Only if you like being shot... :eek: :D :p

Seriously though, my point was, that what you're planning on doing means within driving distance. This covers you for some things, such as a lightning strike (and protection equipment didn't handle all of it) or fire. Flooding for example, could easily hit the bank too, ruining both your primary and backup data = totally screwed. :( Not sure what the odds of this happening where you are, but the point of a backup is to cover the odds as best as possible. This is why a proper backup solution for critical data should include an off site location not in proximity to where you are geographically speaking. Insurance can replace your equipment, but they don't cover data (heard horror stories over this issue before). :(
If such a disaster strikes that takes out my home and bank or wherever else I have my files, I'll have much bigger things to worry about. :D

I get what you're saying. My final projects tend to have some sort of online presence in multiple places. Nothing is ever bulletproof, I guess you just gotta figure out what is safe, comfortable, affordable, and convenient enough for you.
Honestly, off site at Mom's house even seems fine. :D
If such a disaster strikes that takes out my home and bank or wherever else I have my files, I'll have much bigger things to worry about. :D
:eek: I'd have thought you have enough sense to get out of town when floods or other significant disasters are predicted in your area. :D :p

I get what you're saying. My final projects tend to have some sort of online presence in multiple places. Nothing is ever bulletproof, I guess you just gotta figure out what is safe, comfortable, affordable, and convenient enough for you.
Honestly, off site at Mom's house even seems fine. :D
Horrible way to use your mom. :eek: But free is hard to pass up, and is understandable, particularly in this economy (so long as she's not the type to toss it if she doesn't know what it is or realize it's value/importance). :D :p
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