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Steve Jobs said that the iPad could be the most important thing he's done in his life. I'm sure on the Fall we'll see really good news.

Tha iPhone 4 has just been released and it's obviously the latest shiny child of Apple.
Just to start off, I really like my iPad, but it feels like we're not really getting a whole lot of attention compared to the iPhone.

It took 3-4 months to get a x.x.1 release that fixed glaring problems from launch like disconnecting wifi.

We have to wait until possibly November to get 4.0...not only has the iPhone already gotten it, 4.1 is in beta already. They may be on 4.2 before we get 4.0. It's possible iPad 4.0 will add more features than the iPhone version did, but there have been no real assurances of that either.

There are 200,000 apps on the app store right now but maybe 5% are them are for the iPad. A lot of the apps released for iPad are double-dips on apps people already paid for on their iPhones. Yeah, we can run iPhone apps technically but who wants to run an app made for a 4" screen scaled up to 10"? I've noticed a fair number of apps I used a lot that STILL don't have iPad versions even now.

It just feels like we're the red-headed stepchild of the iOS family and the device should be getting more attention than it's been getting. It's not like the iPad isn't selling.

I'm not even going to finish reading your post.

You do realize that there are people who make less money and are more likely to be harrassed by the police because their skin is a different colour?

You also realize that women get payed less money for doing the same work as a man?

You feel like a second class citizen because you have to wait until november for an OS upgrade on your high-end luxury product?
I'm not even going to finish reading your post.

You do realize that there are people who make less money and are more likely to be harrassed by the police because their skin is a different colour?

You also realize that women get payed less money for doing the same work as a man?

You feel like a second class citizen because you have to wait until november for an OS upgrade on your high-end luxury product?

It's a figure of speech, you're reading too much into it.
In all honesty apple are proberbly delaying os4.0 untill november for the fact that it is going to cost for the upgrade, something they cant do with i phone due to laws if they released it now and charged for it everyone will lose their minds

1. There is nothing about a paid upgrade that dictates a delay in release.
2. The iPod Touch, whose updates cost money, has had upgrades synchronized with the iPhone.
3. Apple publicly stated that they figured out a way to give free updates to non-iPhone devices.

What did your iPad do before the iPhone 4 launch that it doesn't do anymore?
It felt current.
Why do you want iOS 4? It's made my phone worse in every conceivable way but one. I like having a background image on my home screen. But iPads already have that particular feature, so the iPad's iOS is actually superior.

Multitasking and folders are the big ones for me. I like being able to have the radio playing on my iPhone while I perform other tasks, and I can see myself doing this even more often on the iPad. Although, I wish multitasking wouldn't leave all the apps you've opened in the task manager. Steve Jobs announced this feature saying specifically that it wasn't a task manager, and such a thing should be avoided on phones. Yet, in practice, that's basically all it is. Everytime I double click the home button, I end up closing dozens of listed apps that have no multitasking functionality (games and such).

Folders, I actually hate on the iPhone. I thought it would be nice, but I've found it very difficult to categorize apps in the folders and end up moving in and out of multiple folders looking for an app. So, I've given up and gone back to structuring app types on different pages. It's just easier to flick through your home screens than to keep expanding and collapsing folders. On the iPad though, I can see folders being more usable, especially since the larger icon size should allow us to make out the tiny app icons on folders.
Personally it does seem an odd way of doing things and I'm almost tempted to say Apple does not need any competition when it's doing a grand job of competing with itself.

iPad Released.

iPhone released almost right afterwards and it does things the (what was) latest Apple product does not do.

Then we have to wait months to catch back up.

You would of thought that the iPad would of carried all the new things at launch and THEN the new iphone would of come out to catch up

Not to take over.

Unless the iPad was rushed to get out the door as fast as possible, or it's going to have a much higher upgrade than the iPhone has got now
my speculation is that apple wants to focus on the iphone first and see what hardware they can use to leverage their mobile os. Everything else will take a back seat to ios and iphones, with their hand helds getting the left overs with PC's last
Perhaps you forgot iPad has features not in iPhone when iPad was released.

Can't you not see each product has its own release schedule?
I want iOS development to be synchronized across iOS devices. I know, what a crazy and outrageous thing to want, I admit. :rolleyes:

I understand your frustration but your expectations are also unrealistic. Apple can't release for multiple devices at the same time specially when there is a massive difference between apps on the iPhone and their counterparts on the iPad. iPad apps aren't just bigger iPhone apps. Expose' for example is expected to make an appearance in 4.0 for iPad.

Also, Apple is a very very small company compared to someone like Microsoft. So just be a little bit patient. Rest assured there are a lot of engineers hard at work to release something you would enjoy using. It will be out when it is ready.
I just really hope we are not going to be disappointed.

Many people (including myself) are hoping that the extra long wait is due to the fact the iPad (being a very different device) will get a LOT more work done on it (now Apple has heard people's frustrations)

Things like the Photo App, being able to save into categories, organise photo's when you are out and about.

To some extent break the need to sync back to a "computer" to do some very basic functions.

I hope we are going to get a lot more due to the much longer wait.

And I do hope Apple are listening to what it's USERS are asking for, and not what a certain person thinks we should have.
It feels like we're second-class citizens right now

Just to start off, I really like my iPad, but it feels like we're not really getting a whole lot of attention compared to the iPhone.

You aren't 2nd class citizens, you are illegal aliens. ;)
The only 4.0 feature I miss on iPad is the combined mail folder. The rest hasn't really mattered to me on my phone.
I agree the iPhone 4 is getting way more love the the iPad is getting. Apple is dropping the ball with the iPad. Most people are over the iPhone it not as cool as it once was. We should not have to wait another 2 months to have what the iPhone has. The iPhone gets bumpers for a small problem and we can't even get a damn cleaning cloth and some earphones. We are getting treated like iPod touch users
I agree the iPhone 4 is getting way more love the the iPad is getting. Apple is dropping the ball with the iPad. Most people are over the iPhone it not as cool as it once was. We should not have to wait another 2 months to have what the iPhone has. The iPhone gets bumpers for a small problem and we can't even get a damn cleaning cloth and some earphones. We are getting treated like iPod touch users

I think iPhone generates the largest revenue overall in all devices - maybe thats why, of course I could be wrong. I do agree that Apple went all cheap not providing earphones with the iPad; although, it's a different story I wouldn't use them anyways.
Seems obvious to me...

All of the iphone users are beta testing iOS4 before a version is release for iPad.
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