I work in a government department, we have recently started rolling out the odd iPhone and hope to soon be using iPads for our On-Call work (I am an IT Admin).
Kobra, I understand what you mean, but it isn't always a case of yes it would be easy for you and your guys to use, but IT are looking at security things as well, as in, how easy it is to simply take an iPad and just get the data off it (unless you use a code to access it, and even then they aren't strong) some IT policies require Security on Power (BIOS passwords, HDD passwords and then OS passwords).
Your IT Guys aren't just trying to make life easier for them (I hope) they might just be looking out for what is in everyone's best interest.
One thing I can recommend, and it works at my work as well, is take it to the IT manager, ask if you can get one to trial (your budget pays for it of course)
and advise him that if it goes missing, any data is mined etc... you will wear it, this way he can see how it goes without worrying about losing his head over it.