OnePlus produce good quality phones for cheaper price. What would you guys expect?
Server points here:
1. Yellow screen: This is not first time people complain about yellow screen. Almost all cellphone on the market has some short of complain about yellow scree. Some phone makers will make the screen warmer, some phone makers will make screen cooler. I don’t think that is issue at all. I do like some OMES provides option to adjust screen color tones.
2. Invite system: I know this is not the best thing in the world. But given OnePlus was just new makers and selling phone for cheaper price, they have their concern about cost. The best way to control cost is reduce inventory cost. The best way to reduce inventory cost is making product by orders. Invite system greatly reduce OnePlus inventory cost. This is something that people should understand and deal with. As OnePlus grow, they dropped the invite system, as inventory cost is lesser of the concern for them now.
3. About USB C cable. When OnePlus decided to release a phone with USB C at time where USB C really has no standard at all. People still remember one Google employee tested bunch of USB C cable? The point is that there is no standard to follow back then. You can’t just blame OnePlus release a cable that is not inline with other or doesn’t work with other devices. People should really never plug a cable that is not come from OEM at all. I had phone with USB C killed by third party USB C cable. Luckily, I get this replaced for free.
4. About the ADB stuff. How is this a big deal at all. If someone with bad intent get physical access with your phone, they can do anything.
In all and all, after OnePlus short of their system, I would still buy OnePlus phone. This is just because the phone itself is good and price is attractive.
With all of these scandals with iPhone throttling, Galaxy Note 7 battery explosion etc, people still buy phones from Apple or Samsung. I don’t really see how you can just cherry pick OnePlus, especially all of these things aren’t as big of deal as it made out to be.