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macrumors 601
Jan 24, 2013
Johannesburg, South Africa
It is global economic, Chinese made Apple phones. The workers livelihood depend on Apple so does the suppliers, make Apple happy with $200 investment could make the iphone sell for $1000+. Yet when Huawei come to sell on Apple home turf, there is problem with national security concern. The fact of the matter is Huawei built a better phone and cheaper one.
The did indeed, that Mate10 Pro is a masterpiece of a device, so we'll rounded and to top it off fast charging and incredible battery life.

When it comes to Huawei I believe it has something to do with US companies feeling threatened as the Huawei devices do not even use Qualcomm chips, this also makes me wonder if this is why US Samsung customers have to deal with Qualcomm Samsungs instead of the superior Exynos Samsungs, they have to please some US companies to be allowed in.


macrumors 68000
Feb 28, 2014
the Netherlands
copy paste a comment from someone at r/Android on Reddit. He sums it ups quite nicely:
Where he mentions r/Android or redditors, you can easily change that to some members here at macrumors

''In all honesty though, r/Android thinks of itself as a bunch of tech enthusiasts who know it all and think they are representative of the general population, while being manipulated by a some random self-professed "hacker" on Twitter.

And then we have the "bloggers", who are only in it for those sweet sweet clicks that will give them more ad revenue. This lends the original rumor credibility and redditors give themselves a pat on the back for giving the big bad company the finger. Especially OnePlus, but also Samsung back when their batteries were exploding. And the circlejerk continues. It almost seems like people love drama, and will go out of their way to make more. They don't really care about the issue at hand, do they? Too bad anyone who calls them out on their BS gets downvoted to oblivion...

Now to be fair this happens on every subreddit, but r/Android is particularly susceptible to this since many tech blogs/"news sites" take their content directly off Reddit. Shame on them, but shame on us as well.

So maybe think before you post the next time?''
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Michael Goff

Jul 5, 2012
I read the article earlier today. The author comes off as being very petty.

They are a small company trying to comegnpete with some juggernauts and I’d say they are doing a pretty good job at it.

They’re not a small company, they’re a subsidiary of OPPO.
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