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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 13, 2008
Has anyone noticed since the update that scrolling is off in iTunes? I'm using the Magic Mouse and when I scroll up or down and change directions, the input takes a few seconds to go the other way. Never had this issue with iTunes before and tested on a lot of other programs and everything else works fine.

Anyone else?
I have upgraded it today and not meet such problem. You can try an old version to check if that issue occurs again.
I have upgraded it today and not meet such problem. You can try an old version to check if that issue occurs again.

My library upgraded when I went to 10.5.2, so I don't know if I can? The issue is really frustrating though.
I am experience same issues. Scrolling is laggy as hell. I'm using trackpad on Macbook Air. Scrolling has always been extremely precise and smooth, but now it's terrible, it's as if there's some background processing going on and iTunes is just slow to response... which is possibly what's going on, gonna give it some time and see.
There is definitely something wrong with .2. I've never had this issue. I've tried reinstalling, rebooting, but it's still giving me a problem. This is on a Mac Pro, but I will try on my Air and see if it has the issue or not.
Was about to post this after having a having for the 2ed time. Using Trackpad (Mac Pro 10.7.2) and the scrolling just keeps going with no way to stop. Also lose all control and can't do anything (except kill) while it goes on it's own. Hope for a quick update.

To lose control just go to Music (for maximum list) and start scrolling fast towards the bottom for a few times and then iTunes "takes over" and you can't do anything.
Same here

I too am having a similar problem. It's as thought the intertial scrolling is off by a few beats. I am using the trackpad on my C2D 13" MBP running 10.7.2 and iTunes 10.5.2. I am able to control the scrolling, but it seems to lag behind my interactions with the trackpad. Everything else scrolls fine. I hope there are enough people with this problem that Apple will fix it soon!


It's happening for me. I even reloaded my computer (for other reasons too) and the issue was still there after reloading!
Same issue here. Well, i've done my part and submited feedback about the issue. Hope this gets fixed soon, this thing is really bugging me:mad:
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I upgraded my MacBook Air and I do not have the issue on that system. My main system is the one with the problem.
Same issue. It only happens with me when viewing my entire music library and scrolling in there. Not with an individual playlist.:(

This is with an '08 aluminum macbook 13" running 10.7.2
It works fine as long as I allow the inertia to play itself out before swiping again on my system. But ya if I'm swishing along at 90 mph without a break and then switch directions, it throws iTunes into a death spiral tail spin.:eek:
Same here, for me it started happening when I signed up to iTunes Match.

EDIT: And it doesn't happen at all when scrolling through playlists.
I have the same problem, but only only on my iMac. I don't have it on the smaller screen of my MacBook Pro. I have reported the issue to Apple.
I only have a couple of playlists that are long enough to scroll, but I also have the issue on those lists as well. Does it work in playlists for everyone?
I get this too - but only if I have the iCloud Download column visible in the display (the one that shows a little 'cloud' symbol). Both on my iMac (which isn't iCloud match enabled) and my Macbook Pro - which is.

In other words:

* I right-click the column header and check the iCloud Download entry. Scrolling is now a mess when I scroll with my Magic Mouse or my Trackpad. It seems to remember too many mouse movements so if I scroll up, then down then up again they don't cancel each other out, but instead play one after the other - almost as if a ghost is playing wit the scrollbars!

* If I right-click the column header and un-check the iCloud Download entry, the scrolling is back to normal. A bit laggy maybe - but it doesn't 'buffer up' all the movements
I have a different mac here on OS 10.5 running iTunes 10.5.1 and I can't replicate this scrolling fault on it either with my magic trackpad or the kensington trackball/wheel. I am not goint to update it to 10.5.2 until Apple does something. iTunes 10.5.2 also lost a lot of my music files and can not relocate them.. I had to revert to the cloud to get at all my songs back in my library and playable.
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