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iTunes Script

An alternative to selecting and dragging is this script that searches your iTunes catalog for artwork then copys that art to the rest of the songs on the album. Select the tracks that don't have art and execute the script.

Put it in your hard disk's library> iTunes> Scripts folder. Not in your user library. I'd like to give credit to the author. Forgot who it is. He calls the script "Arthur". Enjoy!

tell application "iTunes"
	repeat with newTrack in the selection
		if album of newTrack is "" then
			display dialog "The selection must have album name specified." buttons {"Cancel"} default button "Cancel"
		else if kind of artwork 1 of newTrack ? 0 then
			display dialog "That track already has artwork." buttons {"Cancel"} default button "Cancel"
			set newAlbum to album of newTrack as string
				set oldTrack to null
				repeat with precedent in (tracks of first library playlist where album is newAlbum)
					if kind of artwork 1 of precedent ? 0 then
						set oldTrack to precedent
					end if
				end repeat
				if oldTrack is null then
					display dialog "No precedent found." buttons {"Cancel"} default button "Cancel"
					set oldArt to artwork 1 of oldTrack
					set olddata to data of oldArt
					set data of artwork 1 of newTrack to olddata
				end if
			on error
				display dialog "Couldn't copy the artwork." buttons {"Cancel"} default button "Cancel"
			end try
		end if
	end repeat
end tell
xhost_plus said:
In iTunes 4.5 you could multi-select songs and drop in the cover art for them. This was a great way to update a bunch of songs at the same time. With the release of iTunes 4.6, you can only do one song at a time. If you multi-select songs the "Album Artwork is Not Modifiable." :mad:

Has anyone else experienced this?

Actually you have to multiple select, then Command + I, then drag the cover art in the box.
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