iTunes has been getting hit by multiple problems in the last few months- NBC, Amazon Store, RadioHead, Companies making their own methods, DRM problems, etc. Do you think that the iTunes era is done being on top and will now start to fall?
I am a musician, and a mac lover, an iTunes lover, but I HATE THE iTunes sSore with a passion. Its DRM and control is disgusting. I want to OWN the music I BUY. Thats why I buy CD's or I use the new Amazon store. Because I grew up with a Napster/Kazaa/Limewire mentality of having complete control over my music.
After seeing Radioheads idea, i was so happy that I actually spent money on their album they were giving away for free because I believe they deserve money for their great idea. Radiohead is the future of major mainstream artists selling music. And DRM free like Amazon is the future of music.
Yes i know there is a an 'iTunes Plus'. but it sucks. Not only does it embed your private info like your name into the song, it also costs 1.29 a pop! what the heck is up with that.
If Apple doesn't stop being a control freak over the music industry, it will inevitably fall when people notice that there are better alternative. Just like how AOL fell when people realized that there were better alternatives.
I hope Jobs isnt stupid enough to make that mistake.
I am a musician, and a mac lover, an iTunes lover, but I HATE THE iTunes sSore with a passion. Its DRM and control is disgusting. I want to OWN the music I BUY. Thats why I buy CD's or I use the new Amazon store. Because I grew up with a Napster/Kazaa/Limewire mentality of having complete control over my music.
After seeing Radioheads idea, i was so happy that I actually spent money on their album they were giving away for free because I believe they deserve money for their great idea. Radiohead is the future of major mainstream artists selling music. And DRM free like Amazon is the future of music.
Yes i know there is a an 'iTunes Plus'. but it sucks. Not only does it embed your private info like your name into the song, it also costs 1.29 a pop! what the heck is up with that.
If Apple doesn't stop being a control freak over the music industry, it will inevitably fall when people notice that there are better alternative. Just like how AOL fell when people realized that there were better alternatives.
I hope Jobs isnt stupid enough to make that mistake.