As I said, I really love this little app. I modified it to get the title "Now Playing" in the notification center to show up in my language by this:
I made a new folder in Now
(hu is my language)
I copied the "InfoPlist.strings" file from
into the newly created folder, then I keeped only CFBundleDisplayName section in the file and modified the value of it to say "now playing" in my language.
So my suggestion is that it could be translated into various language.
And another thing:
I looked into the script file and I found this:
Code:tell application "System Events" to (name of processes) [B]contains[/B] appName
So if "iTunes Helper" running only, it's also triggers the script. Or am I wrong?
Multiple translations sounds like a great idea!! If you would like to send me your version via private message, I can host it on the MediaFire server and distribute it with the other builds if you'd like? (Also, anyone else out there who would like to provide different versions in different languages, feel free to send them in too).
Regarding the process name point. When I call the appIsRunning sub-routine you'll notice I call it with ("iTunes"). When the processes are sent from System Event, they are supplied with quote marks around them. When calling appIsRunning the quote marks are not used in the same way as you would use them with a variable, they are actually also being sent to the sub-routine. Therefore, because "iTunes" (including the quote marks) is not contained in "iTunesHelper" (including the quote marks), iTunes Helper is not detected.
Thanks for the feedback and suggestions
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