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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 18, 2001
Dendermonde/Leuven, Belgium
Hey everybody,

I just installed the Jaguar release on a test system, and I thought it might be interesting to share some experiences. If you don't find it interesting: suits me fine; ignore the thread...

I'm not quite as happy as I thought I would be... I know it's still a Preview version, but it seems that the definitive version will still lack a couple of important features... :(

First of all: maybe someone else pointed this out allready, but in the Startup Disk System Preference, it says 'OS X 10.2'. Well, I know it doesn't mean anything, it can still change, but it's there all right (for what it's worth). By the way... The system profiler also tells me it's OS X 10.2.

Let me also say that Jaguar has lots of improvements, before I go to the negative points... I'm very, very, very happy with the overall speed (testsystem: iMac G3 400, 128 MB, where it was very hard to run OS X 10.1.5). Also, nice cosmetic improvements, and better system preferences. I think speed is the best improvement of all... Oh yeah, and the spring loaded folders work just fine :D

But I have been waiting for some other improvements as well, and they don't seem to be there...
  • still no dynamic refreshing of the Finder. I mean: when you delete a file from e.g. your Desktop with e.g. the Terminal, the file remains visible until you explicitely click the Desktop. The same for downloaded files... a file isn't visible on the desktop until Finder takes focus. Is this so hard to implement?
  • Energy Saver! I have been waiting for quite a long time now for the Energy Saver features of OS 9. In OS 9 you can schedule different settings for Power or Battery. OS X 10.2... still nothing. One setting to rule them all...
  • Disk Copy goddammit! In OS 9 it was soooooooo easy to make a disk image... You put all your stuff in a folder, you drag the folder to Disk Copy, and you have your Disk Image of the folder. Does anybody know how to do this in OS X?? I don't, and it's still not present in OS X 10.2.
  • Still some cosmetic bugs, but I take it this _will_ be solved in the final release.

*Sigh* Maybe I'm whining, but these are just my experiences after waiting a long time for this big release and then being a bit dissapointed. Sure, it's a big upgrade, but it's not that big.

I wouldn't be surprised if it will be OS X 10.2. It certainly won't be OS XI - the upgrade isn't big enough for that.

Also, there is still a chance it won't be a paid upgrade, I think...
A small chance, that is...

Well... those are my experiences... Back to work!

Re: I've tried Jaguar... and I don't like it

Originally posted by McFreggle

[*]Disk Copy goddammit! In OS 9 it was soooooooo easy to make a disk image... You put all your stuff in a folder, you drag the folder to Disk Copy, and you have your Disk Image of the folder. Does anybody know how to do this in OS X?? I don't, and it's still not present in OS X 10.2.


I'm not sure if this is what you want... but try...

Launch Disk Copy
Image -> New Blank Image

and then when it mounts, just copy your files to it.

I think Apple is aiming at implementing features that people are screaming about, and speed.

The uproar over Spring Loaded Folders was unexpected, as column view was thought to replace them, and that has been addressed. The uproar over general Finder speed has also been addressed.

With smaller feature like those you describe, the best way to see them implemented is to get a lot of people to mail the bug report/feature request to Apple.

While posting here feels good, it doesn't let the developers know what the public wants. Apple legal may check here often, but Apple dev prolly don't!
Re: Re: I've tried Jaguar... and I don't like it

Originally posted by arn

I'm not sure if this is what you want... but try...

Launch Disk Copy
Image -> New Blank Image

and then when it mounts, just copy your files to it.

No this isn't what I wanted... the disadvantage was that you had to say how big your image would be. The OS 9 method was much easier: just drag a folder to the Disk Copy.

Anyway, I have been looking a bit further now, and I discovered something... In the new Disk Copy, there is a new option File --> New --> From folder. There you can choose a folder to image (this is not as easy as just dropping the folder on the icon, but that's not the problem now). This seems to be what I'm looking for, so this feature is included, then...
It doesn't work properly, but again, I take it this is just because of the Beta release.
I really hope they get this working fine.

So you can erase that from my negative list. In stead I have a new item :D
The Grab utility still doesn't work properly to make a screen dump of just one window in stead of the whole screen or a part you draw with your mouse...

Oh well... we'll see.

See ya

Originally posted by Nipsy
With smaller feature like those you describe, the best way to see them implemented is to get a lot of people to mail the bug report/feature request to Apple.

While posting here feels good, it doesn't let the developers know what the public wants. Apple legal may check here often, but Apple dev prolly don't!

Okay... I'll discuss these issues with Steve next time I see him...


Apple can only add so many features per release and the stuff you're mentioning is so minor... It's not a big deal and it's really no reason to say that you don't like Jaguar because of minor little things like Desktop refreshing...
Originally posted by j763
Apple can only add so many features per release and the stuff you're mentioning is so minor... It's not a big deal and it's really no reason to say that you don't like Jaguar because of minor little things like Desktop refreshing...

Hmmmm it's something that might seem very minor, but I find it extremely annoying in daily use.

And the energy saver issue is also not-so-minor, if you ask me...

Well, overall I would have to say that you are moaning about petty stuff. Look, what is important is speed, and performace. Those have been addressed, along with multiple other problems that have plagued X since its Public Beta days. Now, that being said, you have to remember that the core of 9 had many, many years of advances. X, however is only one year out there. Give it time, it will get to where you want it. But I can say that it is so much better than Winblows right now.
Originally posted by Backtothemac
Well, overall I would have to say that you are moaning about petty stuff. Look, what is important is speed, and performace. Those have been addressed, along with multiple other problems that have plagued X since its Public Beta days. Now, that being said, you have to remember that the core of 9 had many, many years of advances. X, however is only one year out there. Give it time, it will get to where you want it. But I can say that it is so much better than Winblows right now.

Hey everybody... don't get me wrong... I'm not saying the OS sux... I certainly will upgrade as soon as it's available... I'm just... yeah, maybe I'm moaning and whining a bit, but I'm just saying that there are some things still missing (hey we need a reason for OS X 10.3, don't we?) and that it isn't a supermajor upgrade.

But I admit... the speed is impressive (correction: the speed is finally what it should be), and it's a hell of an OS!


Originally posted by McFreggle

Hey everybody... don't get me wrong... I'm not saying the OS sux... I certainly will upgrade as soon as it's available... I'm just... yeah, maybe I'm moaning and whining a bit, but I'm just saying that there are some things still missing (hey we need a reason for OS X 10.3, don't we?) and that it isn't a supermajor upgrade.

But I admit... the speed is impressive (correction: the speed is finally what it should be), and it's a hell of an OS!



Now you are talking. We have to be paitent on this. Imagine 10.5 running on a dual 3 GHZ machine. Now, doesn't that put a smile on your face? Oh, love the sig, just don't let eye see it. :p
Re: Re: Re: I've tried Jaguar... and I don't like it

Originally posted by McFreggle

Instead I have a new item :D
The Grab utility still doesn't work properly to make a screen dump of just one window in stead of the whole screen or a part you draw with your mouse...

Oh well... we'll see.

See ya


for the part you draw with your mouse, just use cmd+option+4 and draw the square. it will take a snapshot of it.
Originally posted by Backtothemac
But I can say that it is so much better than Winblows right now.

Indeed, no doubt, so whereas we are wanting slight improvements, PeeCee users need a whole new OS and I can't see Mr. Gates trying that again after "Fisher Price" XP. At least not until the G5 has sent Intel into recievership.
Some things missing? Uh, gee, yea, it's not even an alpha much less a beta dn you're whining about things missing? Jesus christ you whiners kill me. Why don't you wait for the RC or the GM before whining about what's there. This is for developers to test their apps, not chat online, not watch dvds and do all kinds of daily activities as this is NOT an OS to use daily.

When it is, then you may bitch without looking like a premature whiner.
Energy saver

I'm actuallly happy with the improvements they've made to the Energy Saver.

Yes, we still don't have scheduling, but at least now there are presets for portables, as well as custom settings and auto-detection of battery or AC power.:D
Re: Energy saver

Originally posted by Rower_CPU
I'm actuallly happy with the improvements they've made to the Energy Saver.

Yes, we still don't have scheduling, but at least now there are presets for portables, as well as custom settings and auto-detection of battery or AC power.:D

I agree with Rower on this one. I think it is a vast improvement over what 10.1 was. Now there is another thing to consider. Do you really think that Steve is going to show everything that 10.2 is going to have in a developer preview? Dont' count on it. There will be suprises in the retail of 10.2
remember how much was missing in the first version of OSX, you couldn't burn CD's easily, and you couldn't even watch DVD's, but in 10.1 everything was fixed. I wouldn't expect 10.2 to be perfict, but within 3 monthf of release, we should be expecting an update 10.2.1 or something, where apple will compile all of the complaints or input and fix the problems. I guess no operating system is perfect, but i think that OSX is on it's way to being pretty damn close. Just give x.2 a while and i'm sure you'll be happy...
Are you all running WWDC, 6C35, or 6C48?

I'm running 6C35 exclusively, and have no qualms other than no ability to change my icons w/o hacking them (but it's an alpha, i know...)
desktop refresh

i completely agree with the need for desktop refreshing...i work in a production environment and having to click on and off of the desktop several times to get the file to appear is very frustrating.....on another note i also find while using software in classic i have problems saving to the desktop or importing files from the tells me the disk could not be found.....what the crap is that?! it's the desktop not an ejected disk.!!!??..and one more thing for God's sake....when i set my preferences for a window i expect them to stay that way....instead when i log out/in i (aggrivatingly) find my desktop arranged however X wants it to be and my windows return to their previous unsorted setting(with icoins overlapping)this only happens in certain window(HD) (desktop) what's the deal-io with that?!....FLAME ON.
Re: desktop refresh

Originally posted by merman637
when i set my preferences for a window i expect them to stay that way....instead when i log out/in i (aggrivatingly) find my desktop arranged however X wants it to be and my windows return to their previous unsorted setting(with icoins overlapping)this only happens in certain window(HD) (desktop) what's the deal-io with that?!....FLAME ON.

I have the same problem with the applications window, why does this happen with one window and not all of them? Please help if this is fixable somebody because it is very annoying. Cheers Fellas
Windows location/sorting issues

The fix that an Apple rep told me is the following.

Open a window you wish to modify the settings for, change the settings and then immediately close the window (navigating to new folders will lose the settings).

From now on the window should open exactly as you left it.
It stays like that until I restart then the setting is lost but I have tried this so I will see what happens after I have restarted later on. Thanks
no luck on the immmediate

immediately closing the window does nothing after i restart the same thing has been this way since X.0.......very annoying

i think i have trying everything(including holding my mouth in different positions) to get it to remember I am the master...(sigh) but to no avail................
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