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how am i navigating????

im double clicking on my Hd icon....???
it's not set as the administrator...the setting is not as global...and i have it in icon view(any other way wouldnt give me that problem...the problem come when i want it sorted...(by date per say) it works fine all day long unless i restart or until the next day after restarting...then it goes back to it's random arrangement(same arrangement every time) desktop used to do the exact same thing i would arrange my HD so that it was on top(standard i thought) and then after restarting my HD icon would be on the bottom and my desktop would be rearranged....somewhere along the way it stopped doing this though now its down to my actual HD window and 1-2 other random windows.......very curious
Re: how am i navigating????

Originally posted by merman637
im double clicking on my Hd icon....???
it's not set as the administrator...the setting is not as global...and i have it in icon view(any other way wouldnt give me that problem...the problem come when i want it sorted...(by date per say) it works fine all day long unless i restart or until the next day after restarting...then it goes back to it's random arrangement(same arrangement every time) desktop used to do the exact same thing i would arrange my HD so that it was on top(standard i thought) and then after restarting my HD icon would be on the bottom and my desktop would be rearranged....somewhere along the way it stopped doing this though now its down to my actual HD window and 1-2 other random windows.......very curious

This was a known problem in the first revisons of X and X.1. X.2 is supposed to fix this problem, although the problem persists in my WWDC copy. Now, I can say that 10.1.5 has stoped doing that, and if I am not mistaken, this was limited to laptops. Crazy, but that is what Apple said when I called them about it on my iBook, cuz my iMac doesnt' do it.
Originally posted by Kid Red
Some things missing? Uh, gee, yea, it's not even an alpha much less a beta dn you're whining about things missing? Jesus christ you whiners kill me. Why don't you wait for the RC or the GM before whining about what's there. This is for developers to test their apps, not chat online, not watch dvds and do all kinds of daily activities as this is NOT an OS to use daily.

When it is, then you may bitch without looking like a premature whiner.

Now, no need to get rude.

I completely agree when you say it's a beta. But there's a difference between things that are present but don't work properly (the whole OS is still rather buggy, but I'm not complaining about that) and things that really aren't present at all. And I don't expect those things to be present in the final release.

Oh well, nevermind. Yes, I am a whiner, and yes I don't have patience.

And worst of all: I own two PC's.
Now I'm a complete bastard.

Re: how am i navigating????

Originally posted by merman637
im double clicking on my Hd icon....???
it's not set as the administrator...the setting is not as global...and i have it in icon view(any other way wouldnt give me that problem...the problem come when i want it sorted...(by date per say) it works fine all day long unless i restart or until the next day after restarting...then it goes back to it's random arrangement(same arrangement every time) desktop used to do the exact same thing i would arrange my HD so that it was on top(standard i thought) and then after restarting my HD icon would be on the bottom and my desktop would be rearranged....somewhere along the way it stopped doing this though now its down to my actual HD window and 1-2 other random windows.......very curious

There are other ways to navigate to folders, my young padawan learner...

You could create an alias of the folder you want to have a certain layout...

You can also use keyboard shortcuts to jump to common folders (Home, Applications, etc.)...

The problem lies in that there are multiple ways to open a folder, and opening via different methods will give you different results.:)
although finder refreshing is an issue that *REALLY* needs to be addressed (lets hope that the guy they got from Be will do that for us :D :D), at least its not as bad as XP is at times. sometimes on my XP box it will give me a little window with a status bar just to move files to the trash (and its not my hard drive..I have a 100gb jumbo buffer western digital in this thing). other times it takes a while for it to report to the user than an unsuccessfully moved file is being used by something else. I'm just saying that although apple really needs to fix this, the problem could be worse/more annoying.
im not an idiot, well i dont think so anyway

im not using a laptop i have a DP800
and its not like im asking for something dramatic....i just want my icons to stay where i put them....not some weird HD folder...ive updated to 10.1.5...and everything is the same....ive tried going into 9 and rebuiding desktop...and from X rebuilding 9's desktop.....makeing setting changes and immediately closing window, then restarting...etc......any better ideas?
Re: im not an idiot, well i dont think so anyway

Originally posted by merman637
im not using a laptop i have a DP800
and its not like im asking for something dramatic....i just want my icons to stay where i put them....not some weird HD folder...ive updated to 10.1.5...and everything is the same....ive tried going into 9 and rebuiding desktop...and from X rebuilding 9's desktop.....makeing setting changes and immediately closing window, then restarting...etc......any better ideas?

As I said, it is a laptop issue. Apple is aware of the problem, and it is supposed to be addressed in X.2
of dock

About all the negative things people like to say about the dock, I've not yet seen one issue: the fact that finder and applications windows don't give a merde of the dock: when they open, they shamelessly walk over the poor thing.

Does 10.2 give the dock the recognition it deserves?

Am I the only one to hate see this happen?

I do have an iBook and therefore little screen space...


Originally posted by yogi477

Indeed, no doubt, so whereas we are wanting slight improvements, PeeCee users need a whole new OS and I can't see Mr. Gates trying that again after "Fisher Price" XP. At least not until the G5 has sent Intel into recievership.

I don't want to sound like I like windoze... I don't... Ok... now, as far as m$ and their OS updates, the next big windoze is codenamed: "longhorn" and will be out around no earlier than 2006. By this time, I would hope to have G5's in iBooks, or consumer machines, and G6's (or whatever the next gen processor is. This G- stuff is getting kinda old... kinda like P1, PII, PIII...) I think that 3 and a half years is enough time for Apple to convert the masses...

Windoze has jumped around with OS's... They had 3.1, which was basically a GUI for DOS, there was the 95-ME series, the NT-2000-XP phase, and now this new one. Apple will have only gone through 2 types of OS's, while m$ will have gone through at least 3 or 4... stupid microsoft...

Chane the G-designation? SOunds ggod in theory, spark the market a little bit, the hey whats this new stuff angle. People are lately obsessed by numbers, though, so that will have to kep convention. Perhaps the new chips should be called... Wintel Sux 8

Now don't get me wrong, Ilike you, your a good guy.

BUT~ you have OSx running on a G3 and your happy with the speed but unhappy with 10.2!>?

Well that is quite whiney!

Speed is all I care about at this point, other things will come as the the os matures.
I want to see the speed that an UNIX workstation should have!
I want to scroll fast and happy. I want SNAP and ZOOM.
I want what a freakin 3 thousand dollars computer should feel like.!

If you saying that is going all that on a G3 then I am very happy.

All those other things will come , its time to speed this baby up so that everyone will move to X from 9.
I read somewhere that there is still about half of the users in 9.

Even though that was the funeral!
Re: ~Mcfreggle

Originally posted by Grokgod
Now don't get me wrong, Ilike you, your a good guy.

BUT~ you have OSx running on a G3 and your happy with the speed but unhappy with 10.2!>?

Well that is quite whiney!

Hey, it's okay, I got over it allready... :D

It was just that I was a bit dissapointed the moment I got my Jaguar and I immediately tried some things out I expected. I guess it will turn out okay...

Yeah, the speed was good on my iBook G3...

Re: Re: desktop refresh

Originally posted by yogi477

I have the same problem with the applications window, why does this happen with one window and not all of them? Please help if this is fixable somebody because it is very annoying. Cheers Fellas

The problem is that you do not own that window. Root does. Login as root, set every window how you want it, and then it *should* stay that way. Sucks kinda, but it works.
Every folder has a file called .DS_Store, thats what stores the information of how big the window is, what view you have, where the icons are etc. try trashing that (via rm command in terminal) see if that helps, could be that file has just gotten corrupted.
Re: of dock

Originally posted by nicos
Does 10.2 give the dock the recognition it deserves?
Yes it does. The only thing I don't like about the dock is that they changed the right/middle/left pdf implementation. Now I can't hack my dock. It's semi-opague and ugly. The transparent dock does not work on it either.
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