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macrumors newbie
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Jan 8, 2009
Is it out yet? I've read so many different things, I'm going crazy. If so, can someone please provide links. thanks!
Does anyone know if trying to jailbreak 3.0 with QuickPWN 2.2.5 would have disastrous results? I want to try, but want to make sure it doesn't get bricked or anything :confused:
Weird, bc i updated to iTunes 8.2, then started having device driver issues with my jb 3G, so I restored the phone to 2.2.1, then rejailbroke it again with quickPWN 2.2.5 and it works just fine...
Funny, I seem to remember "Jailbreak out on Friday" from the Dev Team.

What the frick do you mean "doesn't work with iTunes 8.2"? I've seen this everywhere and it has never been correct.

If you have iTunes 8.2 apparently you cannot enter DFU mode, but the Dev Team are releasing a fix in the next release of Pwn tools.

Yesterday, Apple started pushing out their official iTunes 8.2, which supports mobile devices at firmware 3.0. Here’s why you jailbreakers and yellowsn0w-users shouldn’t really accept that “Update now?” question:

* Most people aren’t at 3.0. In fact 3.0 is still in beta and has lots of bugs (especially related to push updates).
* It breaks your ability to use QuickPwn, PwnageTool, and iPhone Tunneling Suite (ssh over usb). We don’t think this is a deliberate breakage of these tools. It’s just that Apple has updated a low-level USB protocol that normally only Apple cares about (but jailbreakers care about).
* So far, the only appreciable change to iTunes 8.2 is the Genius function working on videos.
* It may actually break Palm Pre’s connection to the device (please give us feedback on this).

This update is one of those that incidentally breaks QuickPwn and PwnageTool. It doesn’t seem like an anti-jailbreak. But nonetheless, it will break your ability to re-run QuickPwn or PwnageTool’s dfu-entry.

Because this update isn’t a deliberate anti-jailbreak measure, it’s easily fixed in our tools. But we really don’t want to update our tools until 3.0 is out, so please don’t update to 8.2 if you think you’ll need to rejailbreak your device. :)
Meanwhile, we’re in the middle of testing our PwnageTool and QuickPwn tools, which will work with iTunes 8.2. The jailbreak of course continues to work on 3.0 for all devices it ever worked on, thanks due the Pwnage 2.0 technique released last summer. Our tools will be released no sooner than the Apple release (just in case!).
Do you think the chances are good of the jailbreak 3.0 being release before Friday since I'm going on vacation for a week and would really like to have cycorder.
Meanwhile, we’re in the middle of testing our PwnageTool and QuickPwn tools, which will work with iTunes 8.2. The jailbreak of course continues to work on 3.0 for all devices it ever worked on, thanks due the Pwnage 2.0 technique released last summer. Our tools will be released no sooner than the Apple release (just in case!).

So if I'm reading this correctly, my PwnageTool 2.2.5 will jailbreak 3.0?

Note: i didn't update my iTunes to 8.2 when the Dev Team said PwnageTool wouldn't work.

You cannot Jailbreak 3.0 until the new tools are released on Friday.

Read their blog. Friday is ultrasn0w.

"Only ultrasn0w is going to take til Friday to get pushed out. All of our other tools should be out pretty soon after the official Apple release."

iow, it should be out soon...NOT Friday.
So if I'm reading this correctly, my PwnageTool 2.2.5 will jailbreak 3.0?

Note: i didn't update my iTunes to 8.2 when the Dev Team said PwnageTool wouldn't work.

I've read that if you have one of the 8.2 betas it will still work. If they take much longer to push the official one, I might try it.
Read their blog. Friday is ultrasn0w.

"Only ultrasn0w is going to take til Friday to get pushed out. All of our other tools should be out pretty soon after the official Apple release."

iow, it should be out soon...NOT Friday.

Jailbreaks for new firmwares are normally released 1-3 days after the new firmware has been released by Apple. To be honest, I think it'll be released Friday along with ultrasn0w. Otherwise, people will have Jailbroken but wont be able to unlock, which isn't much good for a lot of people. Seems kind of silly to have a fridge with no food, if you get what I mean?
Jailbreaks for new firmwares are normally released 1-3 days after the new firmware has been released by Apple. To be honest, I think it'll be released Friday along with ultrasn0w. Otherwise, people will have Jailbroken but wont be able to unlock, which isn't much good for a lot of people. Seems kind of silly to have a fridge with no food, if you get what I mean?

Or maybe they just shouldn't upgrade until the unlock is released? That should be obvious...

You also need to be sure the jailbreak works before people can even use the unlock.. walk before you run...
Am I the only one absolutely annoyed by forum droppings? People who dont research squat before asking lame questions that could have been answered with a simple google search thus throwing off the entire topic of the thread.
There is a lot of reason to Jailbreak without unlocking. I'm on AT&T and could care less about unlocking my phone. The only thing I need is jailbreak.
Or maybe they just shouldn't upgrade until the unlock is released? That should be obvious...

You also need to be sure the jailbreak works before people can even use the unlock.. walk before you run...

I think the Dev Team know the unlock and Jailbreak work by now :p

Either way, it doesn't really matter if it comes out later today, tomorrow or Friday. At least it's coming out.

But remember, it's not just the Jailbreak they've been working on in the new versions of PwnageTool and QuickPwn, it's the iTunes 8.2 fix as well.

Anyway, I must be going to bed now, gotta be up early for work experience tomorrow. Argue as much as you want about when the Jailbreak will be released! ;)
it has already been stated it will be released in the next couple hours.

quoted from musclenerd of dev-team:

@SNIPER36 the jailbreaks (and 2G unlock) will be out very soon...only the ultrasn0w 3G unlock is delayed a few days
will it work with the 2G, i mean the UNLOCK?

yea i read the last post+quote, but im asking anyway... :rolleyes: so curious! :p
will it work with the 2G, i mean the UNLOCK?

yea i read the last post+quote, but im asking anyway... :rolleyes: so curious! :p

Bootneuter still works w/ 3.0 for the 2G iPhone. No need to install ultrasn0w!
Although restoring locks baseband, the bootneuter is still able to unlock it.
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