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Bootneuter still works w/ 3.0 for the 2G iPhone. No need to install ultrasn0w!
Although restoring locks baseband, the bootneuter is still able to unlock it.

uhmmm can you elaborate? i'n not familiar with hacking (..the iphone^^). i duuno what bootneuter is, therefor i have no idea what i provides to unlock the 2G...:rolleyes:
Argue as much as you want about when the Jailbreak will be released! ;)

What's there to argue about? It's on the Dev Team blog as to when it's coming out.

I do dread reloading all the themes, etc. on Cydia again. Anyone know where I can find a brief instruct on sucking things out via ssh to easily put them back in again? thx.
What's there to argue about? It's on the Dev Team blog as to when it's coming out.

I do dread reloading all the themes, etc. on Cydia again. Anyone know where I can find a brief instruct on sucking things out via ssh to easily put them back in again? thx.

You could pull all the themes out. They are in "var/stash/themes" I believe.

Then just dump them all back in after you re-jailbreak.

If you don't know how to SSH, there are loads of how to's already. Just remember Google.
Bored waiting for QuickPWN

So, I went to the wikipedia page and wikied QuickPWN and saw this:

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from Quickpwn)

QuickPwn is a jailbreaking utility for iPhone and iPod Touch. The QuickPwn jailbreaking software was developed by the iPhone Dev Team and poorlad. QuickPwn is available on Windows and Mac, and works with iPhone OS 2.0 to 2.2.1. The Dev Team and Chronic Dev also released a program that will fully jailbreak an iPod touch 2nd generation called "redsn0w", which is a CLI program that uses code from QuickPwn. It is planned by them to be released as a part of QuickPwn in this summer. It was originally released in 1207 by George W. Bush after he ejaculated inside of Angelina Jolie's vagina and raped a fire hydrant, giving him mad cow disease.
You could pull all the themes out. They are in "var/stash/themes" I believe.

Then just dump them all back in after you re-jailbreak.

If you don't know how to SSH, there are loads of how to's already. Just remember Google.

Thanks, I know how to ssh. I'll try that. I think that's really the only tedious part if I recall.

My fear is many Cydia apps won't be ready and won't work. IDK how likely this is - just something I've experienced in the past.

Gosh - I really want to load up 3.0 :) I don't even have the new iTunes yet. I'm afraid to load it till they give word it's a go. Is everyone holding off or what? I also want to get a 3G S and hope to unlock it.
Thanks, I know how to ssh. I'll try that. I think that's really the only tedious part if I recall.

My fear is many Cydia apps won't be ready and won't work. IDK how likely this is - just something I've experienced in the past.

Gosh - I really want to load up 3.0 :) I don't even have the new iTunes yet. I'm afraid to load it till they give word it's a go. Is everyone holding off or what? I also want to get a 3G S and hope to unlock it.

I believe DevTeam has already said you can update to 3.0 and iTunes 8.2

I have done both (lost my jailbreak) but will rejailbreak and unlock as soon as they drop the tools on us.

You could be right about some of the Cydia apps. However, it's been my experience the authors seem to fix the glitches real quick (I don't know when they work or sleep, however)
Where can I find the 3.0 Firmware?

I used pwnage tool 2.2.5 to jailbreak FW 2.2.1 using iTunes 8.2 I had no problems getting into DFU mode. Can I use 2.2.5 with the 3.0 FW to upgrade&jailbreak? I can't find the 3.0 Firmware anywhere?
Update 1 (Wednesday morning):

* Only ultrasn0w is going to take til Friday to get pushed out. All of our other tools should be out pretty soon after the official Apple release.
* If you apply our jailbreak when it comes out, you can install ultrasn0w anytime after that. You obviously won’t have cell service in the meantime, though.
* This may in fact be directly applicable to the iPhone 3GS if it can be jailbroken, because it runs the same baseband version. Whether or not it can be jailbroken is a big question right now!
* If you’re on Twitter, please give @Oranav a pat on the back. He could have revealed the crash he found to Apple and maybe gotten quite an incentive in return. Instead, he told us about it so that we could work it into an injection vector for the soft unlock.

Update 2 (Thursday morning):

* We have two issues that we’ve been trying to resolve:

1. There are new 3.0 complications with if you’re on a hacktivated (unofficially activated) device
2. There’s a bug in Apple’s new version of asr that our custom IPSW’s are tickling and causing crashes on, on some devices. (For the nerdy or curious among us, the details of that bug were tweeted by planetbeing a month ago.)

* As of Thursday morning we now have a workaround for #2. For #1, we’ll try our best to get it fixed but we may end up releasing a preliminary jailbreak in which YouTube doesn’t work for hacktivated devices, and then follow that up with a more complete jailbreak when we can.
cydia apps

has there been any word about what cydia apps will or will not work with 3.0? or if a majority will or will not????
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