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If you SSH into your device and manually change the theme then you don't have to worry about winterboard slowing down the phone.

Ah yes... It's so revoluntionry. Mhm, longer booting times, taking several seconds for apps to load, freezing up, f***ing your phone up, lagging you, having to force turn off every few days, crashing your apps, causing you to loose precious files... Ah yes, how revolutionary! :rolleyes:


My wife's phone is normal, mine is jailbroken. Safari crashes just the same amount of times on both! Boot up time is the same. etc...
You know, if you don't like the idea of jailbreaking...


There's no reason to sit on your arse and berate other users, make up alleged facts that don't really exist, cite bulls**t like how it promotes piracy, makes your phone slow and ugly and how Cydia takes forever to load. Why, NOT doing it is even easier than doing it because you don't have to spend that 5 minutes or so doing it! That's 5 minutes you could spend doing something more constructive than trying to convince people who know better and aren't conforming to Apple to conform to you.
You know, if you don't like the idea of jailbreaking...


There's no reason to sit on your arse and berate other users, make up alleged facts that don't really exist, cite bulls**t like how it promotes piracy, makes your phone slow and ugly and how Cydia takes forever to load. Why, NOT doing it is even easier than doing it because you don't have to spend that 5 minutes or so doing it! That's 5 minutes you could spend doing something more constructive than trying to convince people who know better and aren't conforming to Apple to conform to you.

Hear Hear!

I've been jailbroken since August, and I have not had any problems whatsoever with my phone. In fact, I can honestly say that I enjoy my iPhone a lot more and feel that it was a much more worthy investment after jailbreaking and experiencing added functionality/apps that non-jailbroken phones do not have. I have had virtually no slow-downs, no problems upgrading/re-jailbreaking when new firmwares come out and enjoy thorough access and unlimited customization of my phone completely. If you know what you're doing and you know what you're putting on your phone, jailbreaking would almost assuredly be a worthwhile experience for any iPhone fact, I really can't say anything negative about it at all, period. If you decide the 5-10 minutes it took to jailbreak wasn't worth it for you, you could always restore your backup and it would be like nothing ever happened. Those still on the edge about jailbreaking, I have to say it, you guys are missing out, plain and simple.
It kills me how so many say it promotes piracy.

Yet I am sure all of those that preach jail breaking is wrong, have at least 1 pirated song or burned movie at home
It kills me how so many say it promotes piracy.

Yet I am sure all of those that preach jail breaking is wrong, have at least 1 pirated song or burned movie at home

It kills me how some people rationalize what they do by saying 'everyone does it'. L :rolleyes:
It kills me how some people rationalize what they do by saying 'everyone does it'. L :rolleyes:

You must have reading comprehension problems, because nowhere in his statement did he say that he pirates, he merely finds the hypocrisy in other people's bashing of jailbreaking and relating it to piracy as being funny when there's a decently legitimate chance that those same people probably have, at one time or another, pirated some form of media themselves.

Anyone with a computer has the tools at hand to pirate most forms of major media. It doesn't mean that all of us with computers pirate and steal. Likewise, just cause jailbreaking, among other, positive things adds the capability to pirate software on your phone does not mean that you go out and do it. Breaking the law is breaking the law, and has nothing to do with jailbreaking. If you think it does, then maybe you should toss your computer, because you have the means for which to pirate as much as anybody else with a computer does. J :rolleyes:
It kills me how some people rationalize what they do by saying 'everyone does it'. L :rolleyes:

I just don't see how jailbreaking is piracy nor does it promote piracy.

That's like saying just because a car goes over 65 it promotes speeding.
No, I don't.

But you do, since I never said this.

Oh, thanks for being the thread ombudsman and speaking for others. L :rolleyes:

I don't mind speaking for others when i feel others have gone of their way to berate them. And, apparently you DO have reading comprehension issues, as you'll notice I explicitly included the word, If. But thanks for your 2 cents, noted and ignored. :rolleyes:
I didn't, for a while. It seems a little more stable these past few days. But it's honestly felt like using Ubuntu for ages, then goi g back to Vista :( The downsides on JB are outweighing the good for me (read one of my posts, JB messed my phone up, but I fixed it)

Been jailbreaking for over a year now, still no problems, im guessing u never actually closed most of your apps.
noted and ignored. :rolleyes:

This is an oxymoron. :rolleyes:

bruinsrme said:
I just don't see how jailbreaking is piracy nor does it promote piracy.

Please point out where I said JB is piracy. There's that darn reading comprehension issue again.

I await your reply...or one from jcde7ago, our thread sheriff. On second thought, I think I will go read some other posts and let the Illuminati in this thread debate what they think I said amongst themselves. I am sure you will all come to quick agreement and congratulate each other. Have fun.
See how easy it is to be wrong.

I don't think they were specifically talking about you. There are just a lot of members on this forum who believe that if you jailbreak, you are also stealing applications.
I've jailbroken on and off since I got my phone and I can say that there is definitely a (perceived?) difference in speed between the two states. At first I installed all the goodies like Winterboard and such and I found that it significantly slowed the phone down to a point where I was waiting 6-7X longer for simple apps such as SMS to open. Every time I restored, the speed difference was astounding. I know that some of that has to do with a "fresh" phone, but even now, I haven't restored in weeks and it still feels just as fast as day one. I just can't say the same for a jailbroken device with any kind of jailbreak-only apps installed, and without these, what's the point?

This is only my opinion, and if something comes along for jailbroken devices that makes it worthwhile (to me!), then I'll reconsider it. Also, improvements are always being made in the hacking community (mostly by saurik in regards to Winterboard and Cydia), so it can only get better.
I've jailbroken on and off since I got my phone and I can say that there is definitely a (perceived?) difference in speed between the two states. At first I installed all the goodies like Winterboard and such and I found that it significantly slowed the phone down to a point where I was waiting 6-7X longer for simple apps such as SMS to open. Every time I restored, the speed difference was astounding. I know that some of that has to do with a "fresh" phone, but even now, I haven't restored in weeks and it still feels just as fast as day one. I just can't say the same for a jailbroken device with any kind of jailbreak-only apps installed, and without these, what's the point?

This is only my opinion, and if something comes along for jailbroken devices that makes it worthwhile (to me!), then I'll reconsider it. Also, improvements are always being made in the hacking community (mostly by saurik in regards to Winterboard and Cydia), so it can only get better.

Winterboard DOES slow your phone down. It uses a TON of Ram. I use my phone jailbroken with many jailbroken applications, but never install Winterboard. My phone is no slower than it is after a restore.
This is an oxymoron. :rolleyes:

Please point out where I said JB is piracy. There's that darn reading comprehension issue again.

I await your reply...or one from jcde7ago, our thread sheriff. On second thought, I think I will go read some other posts and let the Illuminati in this thread debate what they think I said amongst themselves. I am sure you will all come to quick agreement and congratulate each other. Have fun.

It's not an oxymoron, you just have to possess the mental capacity for oh, 2 seconds, enough to entertain that thought and then toss it out the window. And as for you saying JB does not equal piracy, you didn't necessarily say otherwise. In fact, the whole reason I even rebutted your response above was because you somehow felt the need to respond to bruins by assuming that he pirates software and was somehow trying to rationalize it by saying that "everyone else does it," which was in fact false, cause he never said anything about himself pirating anything nor have an excuse for why it was okay.

You basically didn't agree with his notion that JB =/= piracy, and instead chose to respond with an asinine remark that had absolutely nothing to do with what he was talking about. Now what part of that sentence was so hard to understand? If i am on the street corner saying, "Geeze, I am so sick of people thinking that jailbreaking is piracy, and I bet all those people have pirated something at some point themeselves!" and you come up to me and say, "Just cause everyone else does it doesn't make it right for you to," now as it stands, I would implicitly take that as you disagreeing with my statement that jailbreaking wasn't piracy, but that you're saying i am a pirate myself, cause you sure as heck didn't say, "You're right, jailbreaking does not equal piracy." Sorry, but it doesn't make sense, you're wrong, plain and simple. And good God, there's that reading comprehension issue again.

Now if you'll excuse me, I guess Master Yoda is off to find some other padawans who have nothing better to do than attempt to make other people look like an ass. You won't see me in this thread again, and please do continue to be as nonchalant as you want. :rolleyes:
It kills me how so many say it promotes piracy.

Yet I am sure all of those that preach jail breaking is wrong, have at least 1 pirated song or burned movie at home

It kills me how some people rationalize what they do by saying 'everyone does it'. L :rolleyes:

your innuendo of my self rationalization of its ok to pirate because everyone else does it.
Ah yes... It's so revoluntionry. Mhm, longer booting times, taking several seconds for apps to load, freezing up, f***ing your phone up, lagging you, having to force turn off every few days, crashing your apps, causing you to loose precious files... Ah yes, how revolutionary! :rolleyes:

there are thousands of apps in the app store. do you really believe that apple takes time to analyse them for memory leaks!?
also, do you even consider to use with moderation the features given by dev team?
i love jb because apple dont care about openess.
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