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lol, I'm not using Java for dummies. I'm using Java 2# manual for JCreator I'm almost on it doing the code and all, I think i'll get it soon

well the one who janey replied to was larswik, not yourself :)
Everyone isn't lucky enough to actually study a programming language @ school / uni, but have to rely on books that might or might not be what they are looking for.
My bad! I guess I am pretty lucky, I asked some guys @ school about my code and they laughed! And gave me this solution for the quit thing:

//catch error
				a = Double.parseDouble(noa);	 
		    catch (NumberFormatException ex) 
		    	JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"ERROR: Please enter a valid number");
		    	new Learning();
well yeah, the try / catch statement is pretty powerful, so how have you structured your code now then? A repeating method or a loop? ;)
a little late posting here. The method that is workign for me is jEdit, the Apple Terminal and the Java for Dummies. Much of the time I have to go back and re read a section. So far I am on page 123 of 800 pages and I understand most of it. That is the beauty of this Fourm because it is my missing link. When I re read a section and I don't understand something the friendly people here help me answer it : )

Thanks for clearing up all the other info on the age, gender and other info that was on the page. I see now that it is there and not being used. It must have been an exercise from his book or something. That would explane the extra coding.

Speaking of new questions I need to post a new one.


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