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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Sep 5, 2009
I have nothing against ads. But they are really bothersome in mobile.

The page scrolls up and down constantly and it is very easy to get lost. This happens as ads get loaded I suppose.

I’m using an iPhone 15 Pro. Pretty fast internet.

Is this something “as designed” to force involuntary clicks in ads?


macrumors god
Staff member
Apr 9, 2001
Hi Harry,

Sorry about that. I haven't seen that behavior just now, and it's not intentional. Depending on ad-load times, it can cause some redrawing.

I'll test it out some more during the day to see. You can also send me a video at though depending on network connections, some of it might be unavoidable.



macrumors 65816
Original poster
Sep 5, 2009
Here. It was a 1:30mins video. I clipped the first part.

If you notice. One of the ads appears as a tiny dot. And when it loads everything moves around.

But the page had been loaded entirely for almost one minute. So connection speed shouldn’t be an issue.

I’ll be happy to make any tests if needed.

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