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Found the porn watcher. :)
No, it's called I like to be in control. I am very aesthetic minded and to see apps repeated in the dock from the main home screen is unsightly. That, and as I mentioned before, I don't like anything "predictive" as it is usually wrong for me. How is this so hard to understand? I like the dock as it is in iOS 10.
Where can you get the beta at?

Can't install it yet, but looks like you can sign up. I haven't done it yet because I don't have my IPP. (Don't plan to put it on my Air 2.). But, I came across these instructions the other day. They look clear.
It's interesting to me that you perceive Gruber as biased; it may be a distorting side effect of the anti Apple bias of much of the tech press/pundits. To me, Gruber seems quite objective and no-bull.

Well, he seems to be a really nice guy, but a bloody fanboy, too.
In his recent talkshow with Phil Schiller and Craig Federighi he just asked what he was allowed to ask them.
Not a single critical question was asked.
I saw that he even thought twice about, if he shall make the Apple Car joke or not.
If he asks the wrong questions, or become too critical in public, they won't never come to his show again, and he becomes meaningless Apple wise.

In other words, I think he is very biased in favor of Apple.
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