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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

The Daily Show host Jon Stewart ran a satirical segment (via Apple 2.0) on last night's show about Apple CEO Tim Cook's appearance in front of a U.S. Senate Committee examining the tax strategies of multinational corporations.

Stewart suggests that a number of Senators are Apple fanboys for praising Cook and his company, as well as questions asking Apple executives what they think should be done with the tax code.

Though the embedded video below is Flash-based, iOS users should be able to view the clip at The Daily Show's website.

Note: Due to the political nature of the discussion regarding this topic, the discussion thread is located in our Politics, Religion, Social Issues forum. All forum members and site visitors are welcome to read and follow the thread, but posting is limited to forum members with at least 100 posts.

Article Link: Jon Stewart Takes on Apple's Appearance in Front of Senate Committee


macrumors 6502a
Jan 4, 2002
Austin, TX
Yes let's downplay the government targeting Apple to make them an example of eeeeevil corprations trying to screw the poor widdle govermmit. I don't see Facebook in front of this committee, you know the company whose HQ was moved to Ireland to completely avoid US Corporate taxes.

The unmitigated gaul of the Senators to do this witch hunt about paying taxes (which Apple is fully in compliance with, btw), while the people running the IRS are straight up lying about specifically targeting mom & pop political groups who dared to exercise their 1st ammendment rights is astounding.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 25, 2008
Meridian, ID
Yes let's downplay the government targeting Apple to make them an example of eeeeevil corprations trying to screw the poor widdle govermmit. I don't see Facebook in front of this committee, you know the company whose HQ was moved to Ireland to completely avoid US Corporate taxes.

The unmitigated gaul of the Senators to do this witch hunt about paying taxes (which Apple is fully in compliance with, btw), while the people running the IRS are straight up lying about specifically targeting mom & pop political groups who dared to exercise their 1st ammendment rights is astounding.

Quit making sense why don't ya! ;)


macrumors 65816
Sep 7, 2011
3 countries for tax benefit
Yes let's downplay the government targeting Apple to make them an example of eeeeevil corprations trying to screw the poor widdle govermmit. I don't see Facebook in front of this committee, you know the company whose HQ was moved to Ireland to completely avoid US Corporate taxes.

The unmitigated gaul of the Senators to do this witch hunt about paying taxes (which Apple is fully in compliance with, btw), while the people running the IRS are straight up lying about specifically targeting mom & pop political groups who dared to exercise their 1st ammendment rights is astounding.

FYI, these "mom and pops" were registered as non-profit social welfare groups which are strictly prohibited from getting involved in political campaigns. And they did.

See, everyone loves to play the victim. Even you.



macrumors 604
Aug 5, 2010
The unmitigated gaul of the Senators to do this witch hunt about paying taxes (which Apple is fully in compliance with, btw), while the people running the IRS are straight up lying about specifically targeting mom & pop political groups who dared to exercise their 1st ammendment rights is astounding.

You're incorrect on the political groups. The problem was they targeted based on ideology. Targeting 501(c)(4) groups is not abnormal if their activities are primarily political. Here is the IRS definition. Social welfare is explained here. If they did so without bias targeting groups on both sides of the aisle, they would be well within their rights. The rules are supposed to be clear on these things. Also without tax exempt status, those restrictions wouldn't be there.

I'm not saying it shouldn't make you angry that the IRS was involved in that. It's just if you're going to be angry about something, make sure it's for the right reason.


macrumors 65816
Mar 13, 2011
Brooklyn, NY
The main reason for this hearing is not Apple's so-called "tax evasion" practices, but the sheer amount of cash Apple possesses on which our good 'ol government hoped to cash-in. The senate committee has no case and they know it. Apple hasn't done any wrong and all this "follow the spirit of the law" bulls**t is ****ing insulting to hear from these slimy politicians.

You want to solve this problem - simplify the tax code on foreign profits and cut away all the bulls**t. But no, that won't happen, will it? Since there is a mound of lobbying dollars preventing it. :mad:


macrumors 6502a
Feb 5, 2007
Funny as hell!

I kept thinking, this is so funny, but still not quite accurate... and then iTunes agreement! BOOM, bravo.


macrumors 68030
Mar 27, 2011
The unmitigated gaul of the Senators to do this witch hunt about paying taxes (which Apple is fully in compliance with, btw), while the people running the IRS are straight up lying about specifically targeting mom & pop political groups who dared to exercise their 1st ammendment rights is astounding.

Unmitigated Gaul.


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macrumors 603
Jan 8, 2009
Yes let's downplay the government targeting Apple to make them an example of eeeeevil corprations trying to screw the poor widdle govermmit. I don't see Facebook in front of this committee, you know the company whose HQ was moved to Ireland to completely avoid US Corporate taxes.

The unmitigated gaul of the Senators to do this witch hunt about paying taxes (which Apple is fully in compliance with, btw), while the people running the IRS are straight up lying about specifically targeting mom & pop political groups who dared to exercise their 1st ammendment rights is astounding.

Those "groups" were registered non-profit social welfare groups they are strictly prohibited from getting involved in political campaigns. They made themselves targets with their "Tea Party" rhetoric while threatening to not pay taxes under Obama. While I don't agree with what the IRS did, they certainly didn't target them without cause. Either way, the investigations will shed light onto what happened, and those responsible will be held accountable. Our POTUS has taken more action in holding those accountable for misdeeds. Aside from Scooter Libby, not many did under our last POTUS (how many pardons did GWB hand out? I lost count).

On topic, this dog and pony show was sad but great entertainment. Dem's and Repub's are all hypocrites. Levin loved the sound of his voice, and McCain has some nerve after the "Keating Five" scandal in the 80's-90's in addition to questionable campaign donations in 2008.
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macrumors 604
Aug 2, 2002
Cork, Ireland.
Yes let's downplay the government targeting Apple to make them an example of eeeeevil corprations trying to screw the poor widdle govermmit. I don't see Facebook in front of this committee, you know the company whose HQ was moved to Ireland to completely avoid US Corporate taxes.

The unmitigated gaul of the Senators to do this witch hunt about paying taxes (which Apple is fully in compliance with, btw), while the people running the IRS are straight up lying about specifically targeting mom & pop political groups who dared to exercise their 1st ammendment rights is astounding.

Well, Apple were among the first to use the 'Double Irish' loophole; and probably have passed the most revenue through it, so it's not surprising they're being focused on to such a degree. It's not exactly practical to call up every single tax-avoiding company at the same time. My guess is they're hoping Apple will bow down and offer some kind of compromise, then other companies will follow suit rather than face a public backlash (not sure how likely that is!)

As for the second point, fair enough; but they're not exactly linked. If you say the government shouldn't intrude on a company until their own house is 100% in order, there would be no laws enforced/action taken in the country! :p


macrumors 603
Jan 8, 2009
The main reason for this hearing is not Apple's so-called "tax evasion" practices, but the sheer amount of cash Apple possesses on which our good 'ol government hoped to cash-in. The senate committee has no case and they know it. Apple hasn't done any wrong and all this "follow the spirit of the law" bulls**t is ****ing insulting to hear from these slimy politicians.

You want to solve this problem - simplify the tax code on foreign profits and cut away all the bulls**t. But no, that won't happen, will it? Since there is a mound of lobbying dollars preventing it. :mad:

Exactly. I'd rather see them go after the oil and gas companies, I cannot imagine the tax loopholes they use. Unfortunately they're all in their back pockets, making money off the very system they uphold. They should turn their pointed fingers around as the issue isn't with Apple or any large corporation, it's our tax system. Until that's addressed, this is all a side show.


macrumors 604
Aug 2, 2002
Cork, Ireland.
LOL! "Taxcode nano!" Perfect! Stewart nails it again!

My favourite caption was when he was complaining about how members of Senate committees could benefit from insider trading based on non-pubic knowledge gained while serving on the committee:

"Insider House Rules".


Mar 7, 2007
Midwest America.
Yes let's downplay the government targeting Apple to make them an example of eeeeevil corprations trying to screw the poor widdle govermmit. I don't see Facebook in front of this committee, you know the company whose HQ was moved to Ireland to completely avoid US Corporate taxes.

The unmitigated gaul of the Senators to do this witch hunt about paying taxes (which Apple is fully in compliance with, btw), while the people running the IRS are straight up lying about specifically targeting mom & pop political groups who dared to exercise their 1st ammendment rights is astounding.

I'm not the biggest fan of Obama, but if you would think that he is the first president to be accused of having used, as opposed to proven of using, the IRS as a weapon, you really are as misinformed and ignorant as you portray yourself.
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macrumors 68040
Jun 29, 2007
Yes let's downplay the government targeting Apple to make them an example of eeeeevil corprations trying to screw the poor widdle govermmit. I don't see Facebook in front of this committee, you know the company whose HQ was moved to Ireland to completely avoid US Corporate taxes.

The unmitigated gaul of the Senators to do this witch hunt about paying taxes (which Apple is fully in compliance with, btw), while the people running the IRS are straight up lying about specifically targeting mom & pop political groups who dared to exercise their 1st ammendment rights is astounding.

You know can't apply for non-profit status if you are a political group....
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