For the love of god give me a break! There are at least 7 threads on the front page alone about the Mac Pro 'Delay'. It will come out when it comes out. These constant threads aren't going to make it come out any faster. If you want a good workstation now, go with a dual socket Dell precision. In my own PERSONAL experience, their business/professional line tech support is superior to apples. Their on a commission (kinda like a car salesman only the dell reps don't lie to you) and will bend over backwards to get you what you want (Within reason of course). They won't try to con you into buying something you don't need and best of all, they're in the U.S. Basically the complete opposite from their consumer line. We get all of our workstations and servers their now and have yet to have a problem. Just call them up, tell them what you want, and they will put together a build with you. And their onsite support is superb as well.
WTF Apple........ Not even a word.... Are those 'other' people shipping the new workstations yet? If there is no update by June 17th, which Windows box do you see yourself getting?
So what kind of workstation are you hoping to get?
For the love of god give me a break! There are at least 7 threads on the front page alone about the Mac Pro 'Delay'. It will come out when it comes out. These constant threads aren't going to make it come out any faster.
There won't be anymore MacPros....
There won't be anymore MacPros....
I'll put money on it.
99.9 % of joe public do not require a Desktop machine. Heck 70 % barely require a laptop.
Most apps that people need for their daily needs are perfectly suited to tablets / smartphones.
its true.
watching movies
listening to music
browsing the net
social networking
google docs
text books
all of this on tablets and most of it on smart-phones
Content creators, directors, composers, editors ...we represent less than 1 % of the market.
You forget about gamers which have very similar needs for desktop computers as production and content creators. Gaming is a multi billion $ industry.
WTF Apple........ Not even a word.... Are those 'other' people shipping the new workstations yet? If there is no update by June 17th, which Windows box do you see yourself getting?
You forget about gamers which have very similar needs for desktop computers as production and content creators. Gaming is a multi billion $ industry.
i'll concede to the need for macpros for research.
But gaming?
Im in gaming. I work for the industry. Gaming on Mac is completely dead.
Always has been.
Speaking of Dell Precisions, it looks like their Xeon E5 machines don't ship till may 17th(next thursday)
Very true
The Mac platform isn't even considered with gamers because there are virtually no games for it, and the ones that do exhist are 3 years old. So gaming, not so much.