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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 11, 2008
Atlanta, GA
Ordered my iMac when I heard the 'new' ones had a good chance of being free & clear of having screen issues and were back in stock normally.

I bought the extra 4GB kit from newegg for $94 instead of buying it from Apple.


It's my graduation gift, birthday gift (23 on Thursday), and well, a pat on the back to myself for 4 years of hard work. Sold my gaming PC and Dell 3007WFP-HC to buy it :D

I CAN'T WAIT!! :apple:
Way to go and congratulations!
Welcome to the cult!

Make sure you set up Time Machine or some other consistent backup strategy as soon as possible :)
Data storage is always cheaper than data recovery

Other than that, have fun!
i bought my first mac at the start of this semester. the first thing i know after using my new mac is that i will never use windows again!
me too. 1st time mac user. never going back to windows. fyi, i have a vmware fusion with window 7 ulti/xp pro just in case...hehehe!
Please update us...

when you get it.

Also, do you know or did they send you the serial number yet? I'd like to know what week number we are at now on online orders...
the wait

the wait is the hardest part my friend. isn't the edu discount sweet you got a loaded up i7 cheap. just got mine in and wall mounted it and put an intel ssd and i'm in heaven. it just sucks at work cause i'm on a cheap hp slimline pc. oh well maybe a 21.5 will come here soon!
i am ready to order my first mac too. i will be ordering iMac 27" i7 and time capsule. just in case i will be running boot camp with windows 7, but feel i will probably delete by summer. my wife is also letting me order a mbp 15", i am going to order both together on the 20, waiting to see if we get an update on the mbp. i am giving my mom my old gateway fx350xt, core 2 quad 2.66 ghz 4 gb ram with 27" acer monitor.

wish me luck guys....can't wait .....

i also qualify for edu discount, my daughter is 18 and in
Congrats to the OP, I must say it's certainly an amazing feeling buying your first Mac. But when first time buyers say that they are never going back to Windows, I have to chuckle at bit on that one. Yeah, they may not ever buy another "PC", but many "switchers", end up installing Windows on their Mac. They really haven't left "Windows", but maybe just PC's in general. :p
Ordered my iMac when I heard the 'new' ones had a good chance of being free & clear of having screen issues and were back in stock normally.
I bought the extra 4GB kit from newegg for $94 instead of buying it from Apple.
I CAN'T WAIT!! :apple:

Get the Apple Care upgrade.
i am ready to order my first mac too. i will be ordering iMac 27" i7 and time capsule. just in case i will be running boot camp with windows 7, but feel i will probably delete by summer. my wife is also letting me order a mbp 15", i am going to order both together on the 20, waiting to see if we get an update on the mbp. i am giving my mom my old gateway fx350xt, core 2 quad 2.66 ghz 4 gb ram with 27" acer monitor.

wish me luck guys....can't wait .....

i also qualify for edu discount, my daughter is 18 and in

Sooooo, what do you have against your mom?:D Just joking so don't take offense, I just could not resist. I became a Mac convert a little over 3 years ago and am not looking back.

Congrats on your upcoming purchases! I'm sure you will be more than pleased.
Thanks for congrats guys!

when you get it.

Also, do you know or did they send you the serial number yet? I'd like to know what week number we are at now on online orders...

Not yet -- but expect a full unboxing and confirmation of the serial number for what week it's from etc.

Way to go and congratulations!
Welcome to the cult!

Make sure you set up Time Machine or some other consistent backup strategy as soon as possible :)
Data storage is always cheaper than data recovery

Other than that, have fun!

Already got that covered :) I've got my 2TB Drobo ready and waiting :apple:

Get the Apple Care upgrade.

Yea I'm actually going to buy that one in store -- they only charge tax online.
I just ordered my :D iMac 27" i7 4GB and 1TB time capsule at 12:57 pm eastern time us. I will add an additional 4GB ram soon. I will order a MBP 15" as soon as the update is released.
I will keep all posted as to shipping time frames and screen condition/quality as I work on CS4 at home...
I can finally say goodbye to my Gateway desktop core 2 quad 4GB Gateway laptop Pentium M 1.40ghz 1 GB.
Still will be on my Dell Core 2 Quad Q8200 2.33 ghz 4 Gb at work.
The enthusiastic jubilation of youth! - This must be really exciting for you, huh? :)

good luck and I hope its not plauged with the yellow screen of death.
I ordered my first mac, a 27" i5 imac this weekend too.

They sent the tracking number today ... fedex says it should be here by Friday.

One odd thing though, they said the weight is 20.0 lbs/9.1 kg. I hope they didn't accidentally ship me something else given that says the 27" imac weighs 30 lbs. :eek:
Me too!

My first iMac and my first mac!

It's supposed to arrive any time from Friday, but I'm hoping it'll be earlier.

Let's hope we're all lucky and get perfect ones :)

I got a week 6 i5. No yellowing. But the hard drive is pretty noisy - sounds like a rumbling stomach. Apparently this is just something the drives do though, and the new iMacs aren't silent. Apart from that, perfect.

This is my second week 6. The first one had a little yellowing. This one is much better.

Best of luck with your orders.
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