(please excuse this lengthy post... I'm just very excited about find this ipad after so long

Back in 2011(edit), I ordered the iPad 2 from Apple's website. It's a Wifi/cellular model, so it has GPS. I used it for about 2 months. Then I misplaced when my house was being remodeled. I remember looking for it all over the house. Pretty much turning the house upside-down and opened almost every box. Finally gave up looking.
This morning, while looking for my winter coat to prepare for next week's possible snow event, I found that iPad 2 in a box with my other winter gears. It basically just sat in there untouched for about 9 years. It looks brand new, obviously.
I plugged it in and let it charge to 100%. It turned on with no issue. I allowed it update this and that. Now it's at 9.3.5 and says that's the most newest update available. (not surprisingly, since it is a 6-year-old iPad)
Most apps are still usable... even the photos that I took in 2011 are still on it. but everything runs slowly. But it's now 2020, so everything from 2011 obviously feels slow.
I won't really have time to play with it this weekend because I'm picking up my new iPhone 12 Pro tomorrow.

However, I'm just wondering how usable the iPad 2 is? Is there no way to update the firmware beyond 9.3.5?