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Right Except!


The site is called MacRumors...not MacFacts.

Speculation is basically the life blood of this site.

If a service costs $99 for a year, those who wish to have the facts want it in writing, not guesswork; since this surfaced on May 7th, and now photo's of a Mobile Me control panel change are all good things, but the "documentation" is missing; I can't help it if I would appeciate the service to be free, but please be real and provie in writing that this will be in fact free. Yes evidence, has surfaced; it would not hold in a court of law; speculation is not fact, written documentation is. As I said before I had a free iTools account, and with .Mac came the end of my free service; so while this is "rumors" let's get the proof in writing so the "rumors will be indeed be proof not speculation!
Where is the documentation?

Your post is definitely not the post of the year, because the needed documentation is not enclosed with your post. Yes there is evidence, but "no proof"; remember if all we can do is speculate, then there is no written evidence to "back up a claim, which may/may not be true.
I am in the catagory of having had a free iDisk acount, and losing it when it changed to .Mac. I have "no written documentation"(or any EMails) stating this service "could become free". You required duty is to Post proof" that such services would indeed become free. While I have reviewed the "pictures" of the Mobile Me control panel, there is no written correspondence tp prove such a move would indeed take place. I am in the minority on rumors; "written documentation is required to "put the icing on the cake" I have no documentation from anyone including the moderator; this would inclue an EMail from Steve Jobs himself. Let's be real; rumors are only speculation; written docuentation is required from Apple, Steve Jobs or any execultive from Apple. Let's provide that documentation rather than "speculate" even if it is true!
Thank you in advance!

Interesting, seeing I still only have email address, only new emails got changed to

That's not quite true. You have a .me email address, too, it's just that .mac and .me both work for pre-MobileMe users. Regardless, I'm pretty sure the post you quoted was meant as a joke/sarcasm (hence the winky-face).
Change is coming! :) :)

Just found this out as was trying to get to my mail!

If you go to the calendar app and then add beta to the URL it navigates you back to the current calendar (/calendar/beta back to /calendar) However, all the other apps just bring up a page not found!

/contacts/beta - no
/idisk/beta - no

Interesting to say the least :cool:

I saw something more!
When i went to /calendar/beta

It started to load the same blue header that the mail beta has, rather than the greyish colour that the normal webapps have.

It didn't load any icons, just the colour of the bar before it redirected me to the normal calendar.

I see it more if I try to access it without being logged in.
See image :)

Some HTML of the beta page :

<!-- Load a bare-bones layout to show something to the user until the app
is ready to be shown. -->

EDIT 3: (lol)

Shows in the title "Join Calendar Beta" then redirects to the normal calendar again


  • Screen shot 2010-06-06 at 16.07.29.png
    Screen shot 2010-06-06 at 16.07.29.png
    449.2 KB · Views: 483
I was Right!

Rather than post a rumor that Mobile Me would go free or pats of it, I made the point that documentation was needed to "ice the cake" The WWDC was all about the iPhone OS4; I did not pick up ANY Safari 5 update; Bing was included in one of the iPhone apps I believe; at any rate since I made the point of requiring documentation, none was given; let's use Windows Live; an EMail client, contacts, 25Gigs of free storage, or GoogleApps.
Free Mobile Me would have made Apple more equal with Windows Live, Google or Dropbox.I have a letter here from Steve Jobs on "cloud based operations" Anyone wish to comment????
Thank you in advance!

The launch of MobileMe was not our finest hour. There are several things we could have done better:
– MobileMe was simply not up to Apple’s standards – it clearly needed more time and testing.
– Rather than launch MobileMe as a monolithic service, we could have launched over-the-air syncing with iPhone to begin with, followed by the web applications one by one – Mail first, followed 30 days later (if things went well with Mail) by Calendar, then 30 days later by Contacts.
– It was a mistake to launch MobileMe at the same time as iPhone 3G, iPhone 2.0 software and the App Store. We all had more than enough to do, and MobileMe could have been delayed without consequence.
We are taking many steps to learn from this experience so that we can grow MobileMe into a service that our customers will love. One step that I can share with you today is that the MobileMe team will now report to Eddy Cue, who will lead all of our internet services – iTunes, the App Store and, starting today, MobileMe. Eddy’s new title will be Vice President, Internet Services and he will now report directly to me.
The MobileMe launch clearly demonstrates that we have more to learn about Internet services. And learn we will. The vision of MobileMe is both exciting and ambitious, and we will press on to make it a service we are all proud of by the end of this year.
There is none!

I would love to comment.

What is your point?

Rumors flew on May 7th that MobileMe would either go free or have a "window" to have either "full" or "free" memberships; neither has happened, and my letter posted from Steve Jobs to his staff is self explanatory. My point is regardless of what this site is called; summit a "written document" from Apple or Steve Jobs stating this service will indeed be free; this shows intellect, and proves whether this service costing $99.00 will either have a "free" or full option" remember at the time of this post rumors still fly, but no documented evidence is presented.

If there were wouldn't be a RUMOR on a RUMOR site. :eek: The horror!

Not a horror; truth! There are people paying $99 for a service which costs $0 at Windows Live, and Google; the storage is more than 20 gigs total; let's be real; the story surfaced on May 7th; is still on other sites, and continues; whether this is a "rumor site" or not, the $99 price tag is clear, charged to the subscriber, and renewed after a year; a "free option" would provide an "open door" for all!

lol, hopeless

In what way is my post hopeless, when as I write this people are being charged $99 for renewal; given the fact that Windows Live gives 25 gigs of storage for uploads; free storage for mail and sync, where does this FACT come as hopeless? Also the same "similar features" are offered at Google. If an announcement had been made at WWDC; that the service would be altered for "free" and "full memberships, then my intellect would not be showing here. Even if the service becomes an "open window" when iOS4 and iTunes are released, the fact remains that users of Mobile Me are being charged $99; announcing the "open window" becomes an option for all to enjoy!
In what way is my post hopeless, when as I write this people are being charged $99 for renewal; given the fact that Windows Live gives 25 gigs of storage for uploads; free storage for mail and sync, where does this FACT come as hopeless? Also the same "similar features" are offered at Google. If an announcement had been made at WWDC; that the service would be altered for "free" and "full memberships, then my intellect would not be showing here. Even if the service becomes an "open window" when iOS4 and iTunes are released, the fact remains that users of Mobile Me are being charged $99; announcing the "open window" becomes an option for all to enjoy!

I think what you're showing is faux intellect. You're simply arguing semantics rather than arguing facts.

Regardless, what other online services do has no bearing on what Apple does. Right now Apple charges $99/year. There are rumors stating that the $99/year fee may or may not go away. Just like every other Mac rumor in recent history, it is based on little snippets of things here and there...nothing conclusive by any means.

By the way, to paraphrase: "Intellect. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." Posting anything substantial "from Apple or Steve Jobs" is not showing intellect. Having a thoughtful discussion about the ramifications of said posted information may be intellectual, but really anyone with a grade-school education and a contact at Apple can post something here.

I really am not sure what your posting here is trying to accomplish, but I have to agree with the poster here who mentioned that this is a rumor site. It is. We discuss rumors. Many of those rumors and up being true, even without any real evidence other than small pieces.

I think what you're showing is faux intellect. You're simply arguing semantics rather than arguing facts.

Regardless, what other online services do has no bearing on what Apple does. Right now Apple charges $99/year. There are rumors stating that the $99/year fee may or may not go away. Just like every other Mac rumor in recent history, it is based on little snippets of things here and there...nothing conclusive by any means.

By the way, to paraphrase: "Intellect. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." Posting anything substantial "from Apple or Steve Jobs" is not showing intellect. Having a thoughtful discussion about the ramifications of said posted information may be intellectual, but really anyone with a grade-school education and a contact at Apple can post something here.

I really am not sure what your posting here is trying to accomplish, but I have to agree with the poster here who mentioned that this is a rumor site. It is. We discuss rumors. Many of those rumors and up being true, even without any real evidence other than small pieces.

With all that said here is what has happened thus far;
Rumors started on May 7th with "snippets" of information that it would become free on June 7th; that rumor did not come true.
Next rumor is that the acount pane has changed;great, but no EMail from Apple to the membership stating that there will be a "full or "free service"
This looks good on paper, protects the integrity of the user, and gives him/her assurance that he/she will have an "open window"
Again this looks good on paper, and is not a spontaneous method of implementation. Yes I know there is "talk" that around the 24th when OS4 for the iPhone.iPad andiTunes 9.2 released earlier will/may be a reality. I cannot help it if "facts" look better than heresay; these facts in writing protect all users from being charged $99 if they stay at "full membership" or no charges made if in fact there is a "free option"
I am also aware that this site is a rumor site; having said that, multiply the number of Paying members times $99; to receive such a letter with an "open window" will put $99 in a users pocket who have paid for years.
I can't help it if there is no given time; I can't help it if I believe in "writing" but at a time when the users wish to know if they will have to pay $99, then this "rumor" either should not have been posted to begin with, or a timeline be set to prove that this will be indeed fact.
With all that said here is what has happened thus far;
Rumors started on May 7th with "snippets" of information that it would become free on June 7th; that rumor did not come true.
Next rumor is that the acount pane has changed;great, but no EMail from Apple to the membership stating that there will be a "full or "free service"
This looks good on paper, protects the integrity of the user, and gives him/her assurance that he/she will have an "open window"
Again this looks good on paper, and is not a spontaneous method of implementation. Yes I know there is "talk" that around the 24th when OS4 for the iPhone.iPad andiTunes 9.2 released earlier will/may be a reality. I cannot help it if "facts" look better than heresay; these facts in writing protect all users from being charged $99 if they stay at "full membership" or no charges made if in fact there is a "free option"
I am also aware that this site is a rumor site; having said that, multiply the number of Paying members times $99; to receive such a letter with an "open window" will put $99 in a users pocket who have paid for years.
I can't help it if there is no given time; I can't help it if I believe in "writing" but at a time when the users wish to know if they will have to pay $99, then this "rumor" either should not have been posted to begin with, or a timeline be set to prove that this will be indeed fact.

I've never seen someone post so much nonsense on the Internet - and that's saying something!

I've never seen someone post so much nonsense on the Internet - and that's saying something!

If it were in fact nonsense, then the "paying members" would know "in writing" that they will have a Full or free option to either not be charged $99 or be given the "open window" for a free option.
Let's see if this actually takes place around the 24th of this month; with that I am saying something, and am not posting nonsense, but wish the membership of Mobile Me to have advance planning; that is not nonsense; it is the right thing to do!
If it were in fact nonsense, then the "paying members" would know "in writing" that they will have a Full or free option to either not be charged $99 or be given the "open window" for a free option.
Let's see if this actually takes place around the 24th of this month; with that I am saying something, and am not posting nonsense, but wish the membership of Mobile Me to have advance planning; that is not nonsense; it is the right thing to do!

So your beef should be with Apple and not this rumor site. The fact Apple has historically remained tight lipped about any new release is well known. Every time Apple updates a product someone inevitably complains about having just bought the previous version of that product. I'm sure if MobileMe becomes free there will be a significant number of people who updated their license just prior to the change.

So, what YOU need to decide (as self-proclaimed guardian of all MobileMe renewing subscribers) is how much credence should you place in the rumors you find on this site. Demanding proof will not stop the rumors. If you choose to ignore the rumors and renew, you risk losing the $99 or some portion thereof. If you choose to wait, you risk interruption of service and the real possibility that it never becomes free. But life is full of risk. If this is the most meaningful decision you need to make in the next few weeks, consider yourself lucky.

I wish you the best.
Many Thanks!

For once someone has written a response which deserves merit; I started this post because the MacDailyNews on May 7th posted a rumor "without any backup" The rumors were repeated on MacRumors, MacFixit; you name it; since I believe in integrity, and I know that Apple is secretive, I object to ANY posting of a "rumor" until you can prove it in writing; that's giving creditabilty to the membership currently paying $99; in my case, I am not a member, and have made several points on "attempting" to receive documentation, so a member will be better informed; not to receive a bill, and 24 hours later have THAT same member not being issued a refund. This is doing what is right!
Since iTunes hs been updated with IOS4; if I were to speculate, than "if" a "Paid-Free" service option came, then it would come at some point after this update. I am in the catagory of once having an iTools account, and having it go because.Mac charged $99. I am not a member of MobileMe, and yes Apple has to step forward not us, MacRumors,MacDailyNews, or MacFixit. To be honest, blunt and fair, no posting of a rumor by MacDaulyNews should have been released by the editorial staff; this $99 is being charged to any/all membership upon renewal or after 60 trial!
I object to ANY posting of a "rumor" until you can prove it in writing

So never want anyone to post a rumor...because if it is proven in writing, it's no longer a rumor at all.

Not sure why I bothered to make yet another attempt at logic here.

By now if MacDailyNews had their act together, then a post, with attached documentation would have been presented; that is good business, and protects the finances of those paying $99. A rumor is great, but after over a month without any"evidence" writing or otherwise then it becomes a burden for anyone shelling out $99; remember that IF this becomes reality, and if someone has paid for their yearly membrship, then unless there is an about face" on refunds, then the paying member has lost $99.
As far as logic is concerned, Apple is very secretive; since they are, I cannot justify paying $99 for something that at one time was free.
My whole post was directed to those who are "paying members", and to "watch" for the "writing on the wall"
I object to ANY posting of a "rumor" until you can prove it in writing; that's giving creditabilty to the membership currently paying $99

So go start up and police your own forum, making sure anytime an individual comments in regards to an Apple product they provide a signed and stamped copy of correspondence from an executive in Cupertino.
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