You can continue to defend it all you want and the odds would be what you wrote if those were the percentages of faulty displays (I did not need your explanations btw on statistics, I did a lot of university level statistics ... ), the reality is still that all displays I have seen in all stores I went to had the problems which is far and beyond what the odds would be with your numbers. The only reason you don't have more people complaining is because people either don't care or don't see it, plain and simple and good for them. I am out.
My experience at stores has been just the opposite. All are good. Others have told of stores with all bad ones too. It could be a bad batch, a store set-up from early ones when the problem was more prevalent, or a freak of stats.
If they were all bad, there wouldn't be a 9 page thread here (with photos) of people with good ones.
If they were all bad, then there wouldn't be any stores at all with good ones (not 3 stores in my area with all good ones).
If they were all bad, there would be a lot more complaints here and otherwise.
But to insinuate that they are all bad and people don't notice is absurd. The ones I have seen that are bad are really bad. Ugly yellowish tints and significant brightness drop off. Are you telling me someone would not notice something like that, or tolerate it? On a $2,000 computer? Ya right.