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I went ahead and pulled the trigger on this $1,499 Amazon 1.83 MBP deal with 2-day delivery. Should be here on Wednesday.
What should I check as soon as I get it besides the whine and heat issues?
Lucky8 said:
I went ahead and pulled the trigger on this $1,499 Amazon 1.83 MBP deal with 2-day delivery. Should be here on Wednesday.
What should I check as soon as I get it besides the whine and heat issues?
Congrats, you will fall in love w/ her (be sure to give her a name :p). Only thing I can think of checking is to see if it happens to fall under the 15in MBP Battery Exchange Program. I somewhat doubt it, but check...just in case:)
what if my mbp has those issues? I'm sure my dad wont be too happy taking me to the apple store for a one week old mbp. (such a pesimist, i know i just wanna get upgraded haha)
Steve Jobless said:
what if my mbp has those issues? I'm sure my dad wont be too happy taking me to the apple store for a one week old mbp. (such a pesimist, i know i just wanna get upgraded haha)
Oh need to go to the Apple store, call them and they come to you :). Actually they will probably be more helpful. But hey, problems/issues come with the territory, the 1.83 MBP you are looking at is just as likely to see issues as, say, a Rev. A Core 2 MBP.

What it boils down to is...if you don't mind forking over those $400 for the revised technology that is just over the horizon, wait....if not, get the $1500 Amazon deal:)
I took my daughter down to the Tyson's Corner Apple Store this afternoon.

I wanted to see if she preferred the iMac or the MacBook.

She REALLY liked the BlackBook, so I may be stuck spending a bit more for a
refurb BlackBook 2.0 GHz

Now if only Apple would offer a BlackMacPro external keyboard.

Fortunately, she doesn't mind holding off for a few more weeks
to see what happens with new processors.

Her older sister is also getting a MacBook for her birthday the
first week in September, but it looks like she may be getting an Apple
gift certificate and then go shopping 2 weeks later.

You 'lil varmits is expensive
FFTT said:
You 'lil varmits is expensive
I know that they are likely the most rewarding thing in the world...but boy am I not looking forward to having children wanting a cellphone (or the 2025 equivalent of a celly) as soon as they can talk:eek:
You 'lil varmits is expensive
haha, sadly its true. this is my belated birthday present. but im 17 and off to college soon so i guess it all works out in a way.

hows the tysons store? ive only been to the one in arlington and wasnt too impressed with the service there?^
The Tyson's Store is always busy, but very well stocked.

I generally visit the store for accessories, repairs and Window shopping.

It all sounds and looks good on the web catalogs, but I always see what I'm buying hands on before calling my Apple Rep.

I was impressed with the BlackBook myself, for it's sleekness and the matte
black finish.
I have to buy two so, they may have to settle for white 2.0 Ghz refurbs.
They also have to have at least 1 GB RAM each and a bag, so yeah it adds up.

Their other sister just started college this week a Va Tech, so I may have holes in my own shoes, but my kids get what they need for their education.
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