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I have read something about using your bootcamp partition in a virtual machine, could someone help me out here? What is the recommended hard disk space for the virtual machine? Thanks
old mac to new mac

just an update on the migration of old computer to new Imac.........

It is the most flawless way to transfer all files etc... from one computer to another. That is the Migration assistant, I'm referring to. All one needs is 1 cable, done. Also perhaps a few hours depending on the amount to transfer.
How I know Im just did it without a mere problem!!
Thanks for all the input.
Anyone got anything to say about paralells or vmware? Also, what is the best way to transport this wonderful iMac about?

I have read something about using your bootcamp partition in a virtual machine, could someone help me out here? What is the recommended hard disk space for the virtual machine? Thanks

I run VM Fusion and it runs WinXP from my Bootcamp partition. It gave the option when I added a virtual machine. As far as space, it depends on what you need within Windows. I run MSOffice 2003 and the Sony eBook Library; I gave the partition a generous 16GB...
Anyone got anything to say about paralells or vmware? Also, what is the best way to transport this wonderful iMac about?

I use VM ware and I found it liked RAM so I upgraded to 4gb and gave VM 2gb. The results were impressive and running OS X and XP side by side has been a breeze - V happy wit dat.

AS for transporting - try a skateboard....
Oh really, how much RAM does it use, is it fast or does it chew up your resources?

My iMac has 3GB. I give it 1GB when it runs WinXP under VM Fusion and it runs just fine and it doesn't hog resources. The only apps I run are the Sony eBook Library and MS Word/PowerPoint; not simultaneously - only as I need them.
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