well it arrived a few days ago but i finally got to it today and here are my impressions:
this thing is big (in a good way) i would have hated a MB. first thing I did was register for a new battery it said the battery was eligible but not the MBP I was thinking WTF? 512 MB for certain apps is okay but ill be upgrading asap to like 1 GB. also the 80 GB Hard Drive is too little for me. but ill wait until the 160 GB Satas get cheaper. i also didnt like safari very much is there any difference between that and firefox? is macs firefox and different than its pc counter part which i LOVE.
OS X is F-WORDING AWMESOME too bad im using my PC to type this. I downloaded about 7 widgets already haha. its just hard for me to copy/paste (i tried control + C and V) and im used to right clicking (i was updating the os while i was playing with it. i think right click is in the update).
Any must have apps? I used coconut battery and it stated my MBP is 6 months old also my battery is at 98% which is good but any tips to keep it that high or higher?(calibrating, which i assume is drain battery then recharge), but im unsure of other important apps besides adium which is amazing. I really need MS Office for school but I will wait for the UB or a huge price cut. I also intend on streaming videos and music from my pc would quicktime be sufficient? i intend on playing. avi file(what should i convert them to?)
also this thing is hot, i think i could cook my breakfast on it any way to cool it down a bit? since i do like using a lap top on my lap (even if apple calls it a notebook) also it whines but just a little bit and never consistently and doesnt moo either. which im happy about.
sorry about the long thread but im happy and currious yes i've read the mac beginners guide three times and thanks to it ill be customizing my mac like i never thought i could.
i took one pic but my phones charging since it didnt fully charge last night due to the storm.
this thing is big (in a good way) i would have hated a MB. first thing I did was register for a new battery it said the battery was eligible but not the MBP I was thinking WTF? 512 MB for certain apps is okay but ill be upgrading asap to like 1 GB. also the 80 GB Hard Drive is too little for me. but ill wait until the 160 GB Satas get cheaper. i also didnt like safari very much is there any difference between that and firefox? is macs firefox and different than its pc counter part which i LOVE.
OS X is F-WORDING AWMESOME too bad im using my PC to type this. I downloaded about 7 widgets already haha. its just hard for me to copy/paste (i tried control + C and V) and im used to right clicking (i was updating the os while i was playing with it. i think right click is in the update).
Any must have apps? I used coconut battery and it stated my MBP is 6 months old also my battery is at 98% which is good but any tips to keep it that high or higher?(calibrating, which i assume is drain battery then recharge), but im unsure of other important apps besides adium which is amazing. I really need MS Office for school but I will wait for the UB or a huge price cut. I also intend on streaming videos and music from my pc would quicktime be sufficient? i intend on playing. avi file(what should i convert them to?)
also this thing is hot, i think i could cook my breakfast on it any way to cool it down a bit? since i do like using a lap top on my lap (even if apple calls it a notebook) also it whines but just a little bit and never consistently and doesnt moo either. which im happy about.
sorry about the long thread but im happy and currious yes i've read the mac beginners guide three times and thanks to it ill be customizing my mac like i never thought i could.
i took one pic but my phones charging since it didnt fully charge last night due to the storm.