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LOL nice. I think its great the test is on here, and I think its great that everyone is posting with their issues and voting and signing petitions.

Ignore the thread starter here. Companies have no reason to fix their products unless we speak up. So the idea that we should Shutup is retarded beyond comprehension.

As you've no basis in fact for this assertion it seems you're frightened by your own imagination :rolleyes:

Let me guess - the "genuinely sub-par units" would be the two you had replaced. The "perfectly within-normal-tolerance computers" would be everyone elses?
A friend bought a 27" and he's pretty lucky, no issues what so ever (no tinge). When I pay my €2000 I want a machine like that, nothing less, simple as that. Don't want to be working in Word and asking myself whether my cat has peed on my screen.
A friend bought a 27" and his pretty lucky, no issues what so ever (no tinge). When I pay my €2000 I want a machine like that, nothing less, simple as that. Don't want to be working in Word and asking myself whether my cat has peed on my screen.

It's frightening how many perfectly within-normal-tolerance computers must have been returned along with a few genuinely sub-par units, because of that "yellow" test that was planted here. ....

So how much of discoloration does Apple allow? Those things can be measured, you know...
And yes, there are uniform screens out there...

Tom B.
So your basically telling us that all of your LCD's have been crap and you didn't know they weren't supposed to have yellowing??

I can tell you, I have three other monitors and my 17" unibody and NONE of them have a yellow gradient.
I'm swapping back to PC and am still waiting for the full refund. Am so not in the mood to 1. wait a couple of more months to buy that pc 2. see some months afterwards how Apple release a new computer with alot better specs and me not being able to upgrade 70% of mine.
As you've no basis in fact for this assertion it seems you're frightened by your own imagination :rolleyes:

Let me guess - the "genuinely sub-par units" would be the two you had replaced. The "perfectly within-normal-tolerance computers" would be everyone elses?

Best comment I have read in a long time.
]I refuse to argue with people who don't know how LCDs work. [/B]
Just got my OCZ Vertex installed (transplant from my MacBook Pro). Seems to work perfectly. Heck, don't even need to even reinstall the OS it seems! I was a little freaked out because my hard drive fan was running full pelt, but it seems my old SMC Fan Control was the cause of that. I just turned that off and rebooted, and we're back to 1099rpm on the hard drive fan.

Whew! Thought I'd not shorted that connector correctly.

Let me tell you, it was NOT fun taking this iMac apart. Lots of tricky connectors to unplug, and I had to have my wife help me undo them. .I was sweating ALL OVER the place.

But SSD speeds are TASTY! :D

It doesnt matter if you know how LCDs work. It's just whether you have the yellow issue or not. If whatever you said was true, why there are a lot of people out there who dont have this issue on their others LCD screens.

Like I said ealier, If you are confident about your theory, try to answer my previously posted questions,

why Apple people still keep apologizing to the cutomers whenever they recieve the complaint of the Yellow issue? and Why they still keep doing the replacement to those suffering customers if they think this problem cannot be fixed with the current technology? Just one public speech would be enough to stop the replacement game with the customers.

Why there are some people recieving their iMac with the uniform screen if your cannot-be-fixed-yellow-tinge with-current-technology theory is right?

I'm a software engineer and I have a lot of hardware engineer's friends and why do they all told me this problem can be fixed?

I know about how LCD work in some degree, If you want to tell me the cannot-be-fixed-yellow-tinge theory, please let me know. If I cannot find the answer, I will ask my hardware engineer's friends for you. I promise
First impressions are good. It makes my 24" LED Cinema Display look pitiful (both size and resolution-wise). I noticed a speck of dust under the glass, which took literally 2 seconds to fix: suction cup the glass and blow the dust out with my compressed air. Didn't even need to turn the system off to do that either. Just did it on my desk. Easy.

Does my iMac have any yellow tinge?

Wait for it!


Hah, no I'm kidding. Yes it does. Very slight yellowing toward the bottom third of the screen. This falls in line with EVERY SINGLE LCD I'VE EVER OWNED!!! Seriously, people! Get over it! You're never going to find a screen without some form of color bleed. It's NOT possible with the current tech. Yes, I'm sure some screens are "better" than others, but really, panel variance is all that is. It's so funny watching people go mad about the tinge, when both my 24" LED Cinema Displays have a tinge, and they're from 2008! And guess what? My MacBook Pros have a tinge, too! And guess what? My old Dell 2407WFP had a tinge, too! And guess what? My Samsung 46" LCD TV has a tinge, too!

Anyway, SO FAR so good. Only had it on about half an hour - did my upgrade to 8GB by adding 2x 2GB Crucial sticks, and she fired right up. It hurt my fingers to get the RAM in. :D

Anyway, now I have to use this for a bit and then do the SSD upgrade.

Enjoy your iMacs, people! First impressions are just amazing with this puppy.

I like this thread :D

What most people don't realize is if you want 100% perfection is um...your not going to get it. If you want 99% perfection your looking at one of the high end LaCie or NEC monitors that are $3000 + If all monitors were like those people would complain the price is too high.

FWIW I LOVE my Apple Cinema Display. If I super careful look for it I notice a bit of tinge but I have to really struggle to see it. I love it. I wouldn't trade it ever.
I like this thread :D

What most people don't realize is if you want 100% perfection is um...your not going to get it. If you want 99% perfection your looking at one of the high end LaCie or NEC monitors that are $3000 + If all monitors were like those people would complain the price is too high.

FWIW I LOVE my Apple Cinema Display. If I super careful look for it I notice a bit of tinge but I have to really struggle to see it. I love it. I wouldn't trade it ever.

you are right... sorta.... If you want the best color reproduction and image quality, you need a professional grade monitor... but the problem is that a yellow tinge is not something acceptable, even on a midrange monitor. Apple advertises the imac as having the ultimate display... maybe they should redo the add and say with a 60% ultimate display since i would hardly call a yellow monitor "ultimate."

Its like buying a car thats advertised as the ultimate driving machine but the car can barely reach 50 miles per hour due to engine management issues. Sure its not a race car which costs hundreds of thousands more, but to not even be able to reach highway cruising speeds is just not acceptable.
What i find totally amazing is the fact APPLE acknowledges the issue?? rofl

So were all crazy and don't have bad screens but Apple is just going to "not hurt our feelings" and replace our iMac's until were not seeing this tint?

Your original statement is completely insane on that fact alone. Apple would never spend the kind of cash on a "perceived" issue. The yellow tint is very much present way beyond a little screen bleed at some random corner.

Talk about history in the making:

2011 News article:

"Apple today announced it has finally swapped out and fixed the last 27" iMac with the "yellow tint" issue and comes clean that it was all just in the consumers head!" While Apple said they knew the LCD's were fine they felt with the economy the way it was they didn't want to lose customers so they decided to play along and spend a few million to swap out and fix perfectly good LCD's.
I'm really bothered that I got called a fanboy. Oh well. Whatever.

There is NO question in my mind that this whole yellowing thing has been blown out of proportion. And for those that say their whatever-brand LCD is completely uniform, BS. BS. BS. There's no such thing. I've owned more LCDs than the average person, and I'm EXTREMELY picky. But I refuse to drive myself crazy over this sort of thing. Is my iMac flawless? Hell no! But am I a fanboy? NO WAY. Like I said in my first post, I found some dust under the glass even before I took it apart to install my SSD.

In any case, this yellowing is not something new and I GUARANTEE you Apple won't "fix it." Color casts on LCDs are something I've learned to deal with over the years. I suggest a lot of you get used to it, or quite simply - buy a different computer since an iMac clearly isn't for you.

For those that care, off the top of my head - products with a color cast of some sort:

1.) Nintendo DS/DSi - various DSs - some with green tints, some yellow.
2.) Sony PSP - green tinge to bottom of screen.
3.) 17" 2007 MacBook Pro. Slightly pinkish tint to the top left.
4.) Apple iPhone/3G/3GS - all my iPhones look different from my wife's iPhones.
5.) Dell 2407WFP. Non-uniform blacks.
6.) MANY Samsung LCD TVs with clouds/patchiness to the backlight - slight yellow tinge on a few of them.
7.) Apple Cinema Displays - slight pink tinge to my 23" ACD and slight yellowing on both of my 24" LED Cinema Displays.

Blah blah blah. You get the idea. :)

Having owned so many LCDs doesnt mean you know everything in details about the LCDs. Unless you have been working as a hardware engineer, espeacially, in LCDs industry for years.

I understand You have experienced buying so many LCDs, but you are just a buyer, tester not a producer (accept my apology if you are).

Again, if your theory is really right, All LCDs manufacturer should have come out and said " Stop returning and complaining our products regrading to the yellow tinge or uniform screen issue since there is no such a thing in this current technology. You dont know how LCDs work. So SHUT UP about the uniform screen already"
Ok so let me adjust my thoughts:

While I AGREE it sucks to have yellow tinges on your display, this is NOT something new! This is not this great new discovery as some of you make it out to be. Most importantly, you're not going to get a fix for it, ever. The iMac is too "cheap" for that to happen. You give me ANY screen and I will be able to find fault with it. Any screen. My point about "knowing" LCDs is that I'm familiar with their traits. Very familiar. I have had hundreds of them. None perfect. It's just the way it is.
How can you compare an Imac screen to a T.V.? an LCD monitor?

Also, the "yellow tinge" is not even noticeable in every day use. The only way you would see it is if you were looking for it (which most of you do for some reason that I can't grasp). Plus, I would also put my money that 3/4 of the people who "had a tinge" already made up their mind about it before they did the test anyway.

But hey, you paid 2000$ for a computer so logically, you might as well never use it and keep sending it in for a "problem" that will keep recurring.

After all, you paid 2000$ for a computer!!!

Keep polluting and wasting the money you invested. Sounds like a good alternative to being plagued with using a computer with a 27inch monitor that has "a tinge" that you can't even see (or that isn't really there in most cases). Man, life is sure rough for you people.
It's just the way it is.
Nope, it's not. :)

Sure, most lcd screens are not 100% uniform, but I have never seen lcd panels with the yellow tinge like the iMac has. In fact, I'm staring at a LG Flatron L1740B right now which is a pretty cheap TN-based lcd, and it has no yellow spots, or other colors for that matter.

I sure know how a bad screen looks, my 24" iMacs (I kept exchanging it) had a really bad gradient. It was so bad, the Adium window on the left of the screen was dull and browish and the Safari window on the right was bright and looked really good.

If you like your screen, be happy with it. I will not look at a yellow screen for several years. Maybe if it was a 500 dollar pc, but not with a 2000 dollar iMac. Telling people to shut up about it is just rude if you ask me. Just be happy with your iMac, and let the rest decide for themselfs if they want to keep their machine or not. I mean, why do your care anyway...
How can you compare an Imac screen to a T.V.? an LCD monitor?

Also, the "yellow tinge" is not even noticeable in every day use. The only way you would see it is if you were looking for it (which most of you do for some reason that I can't grasp). Plus, I would also put my money that 3/4 of the people who "had a tinge" already made up their mind about it before they did the test anyway.

But hey, you paid 2000$ for a computer so logically, you might as well never use it and keep sending it in for a "problem" that will keep recurring.

After all, you paid 2000$ for a computer!!!

Keep polluting and wasting the money you invested. Sounds like a good alternative to being plagued with using a computer with a 27inch monitor that has "a tinge" that you can't even see (or that isn't really there in most cases). Man, life is sure rough for you people.

What the fanboys on this thread fail to grasp is that not all of us buy expensive computers as toys or fashion accessories.
For any serious photographer, having a defective colour screen is unacceptable.
One of the attractions of the new iMacs is that they are supposed to use the more accurate IPS screens rather than the cheap TFT screens.
If the iMac screens can't provide accurate colour, they are useless for anyone working seriously with photographs.
What the fanboys on this thread fail to grasp is that not all of us buy expensive computers as toys or fashion accessories.
For any serious photographer, having a defective colour screen is unacceptable.
One of the attractions of the new iMacs is that they are supposed to use the more accurate IPS screens rather than the cheap TFT screens.
If the iMac screens can't provide accurate colour, they are useless for anyone working seriously with photographs.

Could not have put it better myself - this was exactly the point I made to the Tier 2 support guy I spoke with today.
Also, the "yellow tinge" is not even noticeable in every day use.
Please, not this again... It was the same with the 24" aluminum iMacs, "you don't even notice it". Well, I did and I bet a lot of other people did too. I didn't even have to look for it, it always caught my attention.

That YOU don't notice it, doesn't mean that others don't. Stop reflecting your own experience on others. Bye.
What the fanboys on this thread fail to grasp is that not all of us buy expensive computers as toys or fashion accessories.
For any serious photographer, having a defective colour screen is unacceptable.
One of the attractions of the new iMacs is that they are supposed to use the more accurate IPS screens rather than the cheap TFT screens.
If the iMac screens can't provide accurate colour, they are useless for anyone working seriously with photographs.


Who the hell edits a picture a the bottom left hand corner of a 27 inch monitor? How many people on here complaining are actually "serious photographers"?

If someone is such a "serious photographer", I would hope they have better things to do than come on here and debate this stupid maybe returning your Imac and getting something that doesn't have a "tinge" soo that you can get back to your "serious photography".

How the hell am I a fanboy?
Please, not this again... It was the same with the 24" aluminum iMacs, "you don't even notice it". Well, I did and I bet a lot of other people did too. I didn't even have to look for it, it always caught my attention.

That YOU don't notice it, doesn't mean that others don't. Stop reflecting your own experience on others. Bye.

Homeboy, I said most cases aren't noticeable. I'm not saying that some screens are not defective, I have seen some bad cases were the screen is definitely broken. What I'm saying, is I've seen 10 times more cases where people are just really complaining for nothing and wasting their time returning a perfectly good computer. Bye.
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