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Enjoy the new iMac. Your going to love it.

Snap&Drag and CandyBar are two apps i recommend looking at also depending on your needs.

Thanks! Especially Candybar looks very usefull, I hardly make any screenshots so SnapnDrag isn't an application I'd use.
Thank you! I have a few questions though..
- Which sofware is the best for removing the extra languages etc.?
- Why reinstall OS X because it already is a clean install right?
- Is it necessary to use Smcfancontrtol since I feel hesitant to mess with the fan speeds because they're automatic and when you control them your self you always have to change it when your're going to do more intensive stuff, hope you understand what I mean:p..
- What exactly do you use Onyx for?
Again thanks!

I just reinstalled OS X to remove the extra languages and the printer files. Yes, you are right, OS X is clean however I do a clean install without those extra files because I personally do not like installing 3rd party apps to do the job.

SMCfancontrol; yes there are issues when it goes up and what not. However, you have control what speeds you want when you know what specific apps you will be using. My preference; 2000RPM - Default, 3000RPM - Casual, 4000RPM - Games, 5000RPM - Intensive.
Onyx is like Cocktail, except that its free. It is a maintence program to clean your cache, repair disk permissions and so on. Hope that helps.
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