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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains


Recently started playing this (picked up on a Steam sale) and in a nutshell, feudally immersive, enjoyable dialog, but you’d better be ready to apply yourself to combat. It’s not intuitive, making sword play more complex than a typical game. There is a little combat meter in the middle of the screen that the tutorial does a fairly lousy job of explaining.

This is a decent tutorial to get you started. Basically a sword fight is about stamina management. Stamina shields you from damage. In other words you take no damage until your stamina is exhausted. Realistic? Hell no, but this is the convention the devs used, and because of this, you don’t want to hold a block position continuously, because it drains… your stamina.

And this as a backup option:

Console Commands:

Until I get myself up to speed with sword fighting, I found myself on the Ginger Quest, there is a horse farm is brutally attacked, and out in the woods I found myself fighting 2 bandits. It was not the first time, but one of these guys was good. My choice was go find Captain Bernard and practise a lot with wooden swords (of note I could not find him) or rely on a cheat to get me through this fight and hope to find him later. I think he is still hanging out at that horse farm, so he is not at the usual practise area.

Therefore, of note Console Commands do not freeze the action, here are the steps:
  • Pause the game.​
  • Tilde- pull up the console (after the mod is installed)​
  • Type: cheat_add_buff_heal.​
  • Tilde (remove console), unpause game, fight.​
I only had to do this 3 times…I’m not proud. :oops: Maybe if I can ever find Capt Bernard, I can make myself proud. ;)
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I was riding my horse across country and was assailed by 4 bandits and their mutt. Holy crap, although I do intend on continuing my sword practise with Capt Bernard when he gets back to the Castle, in the mean time my heal cheat, used 3 times saved me, so that’s less than 1 time per enemy. :D:D

Now the heal cheat really does interrupt game immersion, but I will take it vs death. ;)
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