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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jan 17, 2008


  • 110211-SteveJobs-AshtonKutcher.jpg
    59.3 KB · Views: 382
Jobs was a prankster, hippie, barefoot child-man. Who better? And with a good script and good director, his acting will be fine. He has that dreamers naiveté - as Steve would refer to as "Stay Foolish".
Please no! Not now not NEVER!
I like him in Butterfly Effect he's funny on That 70's Show but Never as Job's.
Why would you do that to him and his family? :confused:
So the idea is not to use an actor in the role? Sort of like "The Bicycle Thief" - no real actors in any of the roles?

Ashton *****K****G Kutcher???!!! :eek:
I think they should either cast an "unknown" to keep everything unbiased or cast Noah Wyle again.
This guy has too many sylables in his surname.

They need a bloke with a one sylable given and surname, so the ads can say;

Joe blogs is Steve Jobs. (this needs to be said in a really really deep voice)
The co star needs a one sylable surnameso the posters can read;
Jobs and in smaller writing Blogs and the one sylable co star who should have a short n ame too.

It's all about marketing.

Sorry about my spelling. I know i've spelt sylable wrong, but i had to disable spell check on my ipad. It was being to helpful and it really annoys me when people or things try to helpful without having a clue.
If they insist on a famous actor (which I agree probly wouldn't work so hot), Christian Bale could pass off as a believable Steve due to intensity, acting chops, and similar facial features. I can't stand him, but I think he'd be hella better bet than Ashton.

Ashton Kutcher's career is almost over ... all his movies suck, his role in 2 1/2 men is even worse, and now that it appears he cheated on his wife ... he is about to become yesterdays news.
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