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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 17, 2008
Tokyo, Japan
I see the Late 2012 Mac Mini official specs listed here. It lists support for the below resolutions:

HDMI video output

  • Support for 1080p resolution at up to 60Hz
  • Support for 3840-by-2160 resolution at 30Hz
  • Support for 4096-by-2160 resolution at 24Hz

I am considering purchasing this monitor (BenQ GW2765HT) which is 1440p (2,560 x 1,440) so I wondering if I go ahead with a Display Port connection if I can get away with this resolution. Does anyone have any experience trying this out that can offer some information? Thanks.
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macrumors 68040
Dec 30, 2009
I have a Mac Mini in one of our locations with a 34" ultrawide 1440p on it.
I know it only runs at 50Hz and I had to use minidisplayport to displayport, HDMI wouldn't push over 30Hz.

I'm not 100% if it is a 2014 or a 2012 but I'll double check.
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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 17, 2008
Tokyo, Japan
Thanks for your replies folks:

1. So no issues?

2. Are you happy with the display quality and performance?

3. What cable should I be using and I guess the quality of the cable is important in this case to ensure maximum bandwidth?

4. Does this cause any extra strain on the Mini itself GPU/CPU wise (heat/power)?

5. Did you find it greatly improved your productivity going from 1080 (or whatever you were using previously) to 1440p?
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macrumors 68040
Dec 30, 2009
The one I have it at our front desk receptionist and is used from 7:30am til 7:30pm, monday through thursday.

The only issue I had was when I initially connected it via HDMI and our front desk asked very quickly how to adjust the mouse speed, which I quickly found out was the refresh rate of the monitor at 30 Hz made the mouse cursor appear to move much slower than normal.
Changing to displayport allowed me to bump to 50Hz max.
Now she loves it.

This machine was running dual 20" 1080p, then a 27" single 1080 and now the 34" 1440. Rock solid.

I may want to add this is on Windows 10 native.
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macrumors 6502a
Dec 4, 2013
It runs 2560x1600 over Displayport.
But don´t expect any gaming on that resolution, the HD4000 is not that great.. :)


macrumors 6502a
Dec 4, 2013
Will I get 60hz? Is there any official spec that shows it can do 2560x1600 using DP?

Yes, yes and using it my self since day 1.. :)

30" 16:10 2560x1600 used to be the standard before the cheaper 27" 16:9 2560x1440 panels came along..


macrumors 603
Sep 8, 2011
Will I get 60hz? Is there any official spec that shows it can do 2560x1600 using DP? shows "Support for up to two displays at 2560 by 1600 pixels, both at millions of colors". Which is somewhat bogus, since there's only one Thunderbolt port and one HDMI, it's not possible to get two 2560x1600 displays at full refresh. It is possible to run two Thunderbolt Displays (2560x1440) daisy-chained, but using DisplayPort you'll get one 2560x1600 @ 60Hz and can then run a second display via HDMI at 1920x1080 @ 60Hz.

Personally I wanted two identical displays so I went with two 1920x1080, running one via HDMI>DVI and one mDP>DVI.

The 2014 model, with two Thunderbolt ports, can actually run two 2560x1440/1600 displays via DisplayPort, i.e. not the Thunderbolt Display.


macrumors 6502
Jun 8, 2014

I run Apple Thunderbolt Display & Dell UH2715 (27'' 1440p)

The Dell is dual HDMI vs thunderbolt so I can only output to slightly above 1080p (umm 2060x1100 or so??). While I am not running the Dell at its maximum resolution, it is still quite an attractive display. I mainly use it for media (movies, netflx, etc.) and keep the software on my thunderbolt display. I can run many older games at 1440p as well, provided I don't get picky about graphics settings.

2012 2.5 ghz i5 Mini.

This machine is supposed to be able to drive dual 1440p via Thunderbolt but I was to cheap to buy a second Apple thunderbolt display. I may have to go third party someday but I am thinking of replacing with an iMac when the new ones release.


macrumors 603
Sep 8, 2011
I run Apple Thunderbolt Display & Dell UH2715 (27'' 1440p)

The Dell is dual HDMI vs thunderbolt so I can only output to slightly above 1080p (umm 2060x1100 or so??).
You can get full resolution out of your Dell, but it'll require one more component. Your Dell will run 2560x1440 via Mini DisplayPort. For whatever reason you can't get Mini DisplayPort directly out of the Thunderbolt through port on the ThunderBolt Display - but - if you plug another Thunderbolt device in there (pretty much anything that has TB in & out), then plug your Dell into the "Out" of that device, it should work.

So for example a drive enclosure like this one: - plug that into the output of your TBD, then plug your Dell into the output of the drive enclosure via Mini DisplayPort cable.

Just make sure whatever device you use has two Thunderbolt ports. Bus-powered drives like won't work.
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macrumors 6502
Jun 8, 2014
Umm, hmm. That would also resolve the issue I've been having of my internal storage being full.

Well, thank you. This may be the most helpful post I have ever read on here.


macrumors newbie
Jan 5, 2016
Hi there!

I just bought a 21:9 Ultrawide 34" LG screen and I am not getting any good resolution with my Mac Mini Late 2012.

Initially, it was the HDMI problem which I now know that it doesn't give you more than 1080p.
I just bought a Mini DisplayPort to HDMI (4K capable) and I only get these resolutions:

Am I missing something here? Here are the specs: and it says it supports 2560 by 1600 pixels

Thank you


macrumors 6502
Jul 15, 2018
I have a 2560 x 1440 Dell monitor driven by a 2012 Mini with mini display port to display port. Like others have reported, it has worked great for me. No issues for 6+ years.


macrumors newbie
Apr 16, 2020
Hello Guys ! I just bought a 4k monitor and i cant get it to work more than 1080p, how you did to make it work at least 1440p in a late 2012 mac mini ?


Anonymous Freak

macrumors 603
Dec 12, 2002
Hello Guys ! I just bought a 4k monitor and i cant get it to work more than 1080p, how you did to make it work at least 1440p in a late 2012 mac mini ?

What interface are you plugging it in to?

Use a 4K-capable Mini DisplayPort to full-size DisplayPort cable. You should even be able to run 4K at 30 Hz, although I'd suggest 1440p at 60 Hz if it's your primary monitor.
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macrumors newbie
Apr 16, 2020
i tried using HDMI and mini display port. I cant see more than 1080p. I am connecting to a Samsung U32J590 monitor
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macrumors newbie
Apr 16, 2020
What interface are you plugging it in to?

Use a 4K-capable Mini DisplayPort to full-size DisplayPort cable. You should even be able to run 4K at 30 Hz, although I'd suggest 1440p at 60 Hz if it's your primary monitor.

How ? Using SwitchResX ? On a Mac mini end 2012 ?

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