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macrumors 6502
Dec 31, 2008
Does the DNC really like Steve Jobs?

"Jobs also told the president that American schools were “crippled by union work rules.”
To be competitive with the rest of the world, the education system should be reformed so that principals can hire and fire teachers based on merit, and keep their schools open until 6 p.m. for 11 months a year, he said."

Some view Scott Walker as the ultimate education destroyer, yet Steve Jobs feels the same way.

Les Kern

macrumors 68040
Apr 26, 2002
Bill Clinton just completely pummeled the republicans and made them look like complete idiots. His speech actually had substance and facts.

Well done.

Perhaps the best political speech of our time. Going to be lost on some, but still. (There, I kept my comment brief and sans you-know-what)


Yes. MacRumors is long gone.

Say hello to National iNquirer. :(

See ya.


macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
It is good young Chelsea gets to chat with an intelligent woman!

Only from what the media really gives us, Chelsea Clinton is not exactly a moron.
As far as this being news ... I wonder how many other times LPJ sat at the DNC without notice. She's human and has her life ... I'm not sure how that is somehow breaking news.


macrumors 68030
Jul 9, 2011
This is a place for all Apple-related things. If you don't like it, skim over the article. I thought I saw her at the convention. To know where the wife of many of yalls' idol stands (and where your idol himself stood) regarding the future of this nation is no brush-off. To the GOPers - sorry the article gets under your skin ;)


macrumors 68040
Jun 27, 2009
I think it is stupid for the widow of a billionaire to support a candidate who would love nothing more than to tax it more and more!
I think it's stupid that people who earn millions primarily through the stock market can get away with only paying 15% taxes while people who earn $200k on salary have to pay nearly 40%.

Chupa Chupa

macrumors G5
Jul 16, 2002
What's with all the Laurene Jobs posts? I'm entirely unsure what this has to do with Apple or even the "tech world" in general. She is not involved with Apple or any other company in the tech world. Nothing against her, in fact, her accomplishments and current work is fantastic, but it really has zero relevance here. To post solely because she was Steve Jobs wife is really kind of sexist; i.e., I've never seen MR file a post regarding other newly appointed Stanford board members or other random ladies sitting next to Chelsea Clinton at political confabs.

Keep it relevant MR, keep it relevant.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 22, 2008
Southern Ca
Who cares

How did she vote on the God and Jerusalem issue?

Who cares where she is with Religion? She's Steve Jobs Widow and by all accounts a great person. She's not running for President and people should not try to put her in the spot light and try to dig up ****!:cool:


macrumors 6502
Feb 19, 2012
New York
So incredibly fascinating. She's a Democrat sitting next to a Democrat at the Democratic convention.


What's with all the Laurene Jobs posts? I'm entirely unsure what this has to do with Apple or even the "tech world" in general. She is not involved with Apple or any other company in the tech world. Nothing against her, in fact, her accomplishments and current work is fantastic, but it really has zero relevance here. To post solely because she was Steve Jobs wife is really kind of sexist; i.e., I've never seen MR file a post regarding other newly appointed Stanford board members or other random ladies sitting next to Chelsea Clinton at political confabs.

Keep it relevant MR, keep it relevant.

Thank you for having a brain. Laurene Jobs may be a nice lady, but she has absolutely nothing to do with Apple. What next? Are we also going to have to hear about Steve's kids? His enstranged biological father? I can read the biography for that.


macrumors regular
Nov 29, 2006
North Texas
How awkward! As a member of the 1% Mrs. Jobs must have felt very uncomfortable surrounded by people whose public position is to hate her. Maybe she getting a Mark Rich tax special - $2 million used to buy a pardon from Bill.


macrumors 68000
Oct 31, 2005
I knew she looked familiar!

I thought Steve was a Republican? Or was he secretly a Democrat? :eek: Uh oh, looks like the Republicans won't be buying the iPhone 5!

Republican? Contrary to popular belief, most of the rich 1%'rs are Democrats. Al Gore has been on the Apple Board for many years.


I think it's stupid that people who earn millions primarily through the stock market can get away with only paying 15% taxes while people who earn $200k on salary have to pay nearly 40%.

What people don't realize is that tax on 'stodk market' gains is a double tax. The company has already paid upward of 45% on the earnings, and then the stockholder has to pay an additional 15% on top of that. Hiding this fact helps divide the mass mindset. What I don't understand that 48% of those complaining that the rich don't pay their fair share pay no taxes at all.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 23, 2008
Outstanding speech by President Clinton! The man sure knows how to fire up a crowd!


Sure, as did the guy we elected in 2008. How's that working out for ya?


I think it's stupid that people who earn millions primarily through the stock market can get away with only paying 15% taxes while people who earn $200k on salary have to pay nearly 40%.

Nonsense. The money those people are investing in the stock market is income that has ALREADY been taxed at the higher rate. Where do you think the money to invest comes from...pixie dust and unicorn tears? :rolleyes:

Democrats have been very good at convincing the "99%" they are being screwed (all the while collecting the big checks from the very people they are out demonizing every day) and they know the group of voters they have and how gullible they are!

I guess if you tell a lie long enough, [suckers] will believe it.


What people don't realize is that tax on 'stodk market' gains is a double tax. The company has already paid upward of 45% on the earnings, and then the stockholder has to pay an additional 15% on top of that. Hiding this fact helps divide the mass mindset. What I don't understand that 48% of those complaining that the rich don't pay their fair share pay no taxes at all.

Exactly. But as Democrats have no clue how an economy works, we really shouldn't be surprised they are so easily fooled by shallow claims and rhetoric.

As for the bold, precisely, and those same 48% have no desire to start paying a penny. So they'll be voting Democrat.


Does the DNC really like Steve Jobs?

"Jobs also told the president that American schools were “crippled by union work rules.”
To be competitive with the rest of the world, the education system should be reformed so that principals can hire and fire teachers based on merit, and keep their schools open until 6 p.m. for 11 months a year, he said."

Some view Scott Walker as the ultimate education destroyer, yet Steve Jobs feels the same way.

Jobs wasn't a fool. He played whatever side of the fence was to his benefit at the particular point in time. He was a master Capitalist [gasp] and it is a rather odd fit amongst a group of folks who believe Capitalism is a failure and responsible for so many evils, eh?

For the record I agree 100% with Jobs' comments on teachers' unions and reforming the entire education system in this country. It's LONG overdue.


macrumors P6
Oct 23, 2010
Bill Clinton just completely pummeled the republicans and made them look like complete idiots. His speech actually had substance and facts.

Well done.

Not really. Clinton and the Democrats have people convinced that Romney (a Democrat-lite if you ask me) is some right wing extremist based on a few positions in the party platform. If only he were (at least on economic issues), and we'd actually have a real choice this election. Instead, we have a choice between the failed liberal economic policies of George W. Bush and the failed liberal economic policies of Barack Obama. It's a matter of degrees, not substance. Both want to bail out the big banks. Both want to give out favors to big businesses (just in different industries). Both want to increase spending and leave the bill with future generations.


macrumors 65816
Mar 17, 2009
Does the DNC really like Steve Jobs?

"Jobs also told the president that American schools were “crippled by union work rules.”
To be competitive with the rest of the world, the education system should be reformed so that principals can hire and fire teachers based on merit, and keep their schools open until 6 p.m. for 11 months a year, he said."

Some view Scott Walker as the ultimate education destroyer, yet Steve Jobs feels the same way.

Steve Jobs in this particular case had no idea WTF he was talking about. This whole war on unions by corporations and their political lackeys is nothing new; See: Pinkerton's at the Pullman Strike (1894).


macrumors 68000
Apr 7, 2003
What people don't realize is that tax on 'stodk market' gains is a double tax. The company has already paid upward of 45% on the earnings, and then the stockholder has to pay an additional 15% on top of that. Hiding this fact helps divide the mass mindset. What I don't understand that 48% of those complaining that the rich don't pay their fair share pay no taxes at all.

It's so sad when people don't understand the most basic of issues concerning the stock market.

Stocks are basically legalized gambling. Once the company sells its initial offering, the company no longer benefits from the stock price. Only the buyers and sellers of the stock do. Corporate earnings have nothing to do with stock prices.

I feel very sorry for your parents and the company you work for. You have failed everybody with your ignorance.


macrumors 65816
Oct 6, 2009
Please go back into your it's none of your business. Congrats on your perpetual state of poor economy.


If Apple were "liberal", it would move its offshore accounts into the US. Corporations are not so much liberal or conservative, as they tend to react differently to different regimes in office in an attempt to make the best of what situation they are in.

Pretty sure I said Apple culture. If you need to look this up, I have time.


Is MR stalking her?!

I think it's time to leave her alone now... She's been through enough public attention!

I dunno, she looked pretty happy in the pic.
Last edited:


macrumors 6502a
Feb 23, 2008
Corporations aren't "liberal" or "conservative". They write the big checks to whoever happens to be at the helm and in a position(s) to benefit them the most.

In some cases they play both sides of the fence, writing checks to each side to keep the "lines" open in Washington. It's good business.
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