Why there's no leaks or rumors on the supposed upcoming Mac Pro...
No tech site seem to care about it either.
I begin to loose faith and became angry about this company who dont give a d@mn about us pro.
Why there's no leaks or rumors on the supposed upcoming Mac Pro...
No tech site seem to care about it either.
I begin to loose faith and became angry about this company who dont give a d@mn about us pro.
Hardly ever... but occasionally they do![]()
Then there was this the day before the 2010 Mac Pro was announced:
John Gruber's 'leak'.
We will probably have to wait until the last minute before there are any reliable rumors.
what with the new Mac Pros (finally, right?)
Gee, that sounds familiar...
Gruber has also made a few mumblings responding to articles that refer to the death of the Mac Pro, whilst he is nebulous in his replies, you can navigate to some here:
after i reviewed his replies I considered that he may be privy to the information the forum moderator on Creative Cow has claimed he has seen. Look for Shane Ross's comments on this tread:
Im coming round to Grubbers thinking, that it doesn't take a weather mad to know which way the wind blows...
Perhaps the writing was on the wall when apple abandoned last years update with Thunderbolt.
Huh? A few months ago Gruber said that he believed the Mac Pro had many more years ahead of it. It was the podcast he did right after NAB.
Gruber has also made a few mumblings responding to articles that refer to the death of the Mac Pro, whilst he is nebulous in his replies, you can navigate to some here:
after i reviewed his replies I considered that he may be privy to the information the forum moderator on Creative Cow has claimed he has seen. Look for Shane Ross's comments on this tread:
Im coming round to Grubbers thinking, that it doesn't take a weather mad to know which way the wind blows...
Perhaps the writing was on the wall when apple abandoned last years update with Thunderbolt.
Really? Not being lazy but have you a link to it?
I begin to loose faith and became angry about this company who dont give a d@mn about us pro.
Well, it's audio so it's a bit hard to link.
I believe it was episode 86.
Edit: At 54 minutes: "I think they're just waiting on Sandy Gram, or whatever it's called. [...] I also think it's not a very high priority, but I think that the way... for however long the Mac Pro continues to have a role at Apple, and I think it does for years to come, but this is the way it's going to be, where they are going to do massive next gen upgrades. Maybe not to the way it looks on the outside. I don't know that they're ever going to touch that again. But you know, next gen chipsets from Intel... and just let them go for two years. [...] Well, I don't know that, but that's what I would bet. I'd take bets on that."
So no, Gruber does not believe the Mac Pro is going to go away.
Apple is secret about all of their products.
That probably explains why Sony made a loss of $6.7 billion last year and Asus did not do so well either.We have a TV show about tech in the UK called The Gadget Show, they have been going around the world in the current series testing gadgets, they were in America's Silicon Valley testing all in one computers. The presenters drove to the HQ's of Sony and Asus and Apple to take photos and videos to then test the computers with.
And guess what happened at the Apple site? They never entered any of the buildings, or attempted to, they just stood next to the sign and took some photos and videos and along comes the Apple security guards to have a word and move them on!
And The Gadget Show is NOT a smalltime show! Millions watch it. But it highlights the paranoia of Apple with it's security.
Then someone looses an iPhone prototype in a bar..........
It really seems like Apple is completely drunk on iPhone profits...locking up Mac capabilities, charging huge margins on their mobile devices, possibly EOLing their one really solid computer...man, they just seem like a completely different company these days. I will put this quote from Steve Jobs here...and what does this remind you of?
"And how are monopolies lost? Think about it. Some very good product people invent some very good products, and the company achieves a monopoly. But after that, the product people aren't the ones that drive the company forward anymore. It's the marketing guys or the ones who expand the business into Latin America or whatever. Because what's the point of focusing on making the product even better when the only company you can take business from is yourself? So a different group of people start to move up. And who usually ends up running the show? The sales guy. John Akers at IBM is the consummate example. Then one day, the monopoly expires for whatever reason. But by then the best product people have left, or they're no longer listened to. And so the company goes through this tumultuous time, and it either survives or it doesn't. Look at Microsoft who's running Microsoft? (interviewer: Steve Ballmer.) Right, the sales guy. Case closed. And that's what happened at Apple, as well."