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macrumors G4
Jun 11, 2009
The Moto Z kind of interests me, a hair over 5mm thick wow and I can add a battery pack whenever I like. I just hate that they omitted some stuff from it like OIS, smaller camera and the shatterproof screen. I'm curious what price point they release it at. The mods also fascinate me, although they are a bit too expensive for a phone I will most likely replace in 6 months.


macrumors Penryn
Aug 23, 2005
a better place
The Moto Z kind of interests me, a hair over 5mm thick wow and I can add a battery pack whenever I like. I just hate that they omitted some stuff from it like OIS, smaller camera and the shatterproof screen. I'm curious what price point they release it at. The mods also fascinate me, although they are a bit too expensive for a phone I will most likely replace in 6 months.

They could also make the practicalities such as getting a rear case for the phone difficult. Also what happens if you get a grain of sand or grit in between the rear and the module, your inevitably going to end up with scratches on the rear glass housing. That was previously one of the strengths of the Moto X line, they felt like they were built from materials to improve grip, texture, and ergonomics. Everything the Z eschews.

Then we look at the likes of the modules and how useful they would be versus their cost and the 'cost' to the overall design of the Z. The 2015 X was a $399 device with arguably some of the best if not best speakers on a smartphone. Stereo front facing and incredibly loud for a phone, easily loud enough for a room, listening to music. The Z, well we've dumped those and given you a single firing mono speaker which is quieter, but it's OK because you can buy a JBL speaker module for $100-150 for the already price hiked $600-700 Z device, that makes it loud however the speakers are now on the back, it makes the device thicker than any previous X range and of course is going to be damb awkward should someone actually ring your phone whilst your listening to music and you have to answer the phone and hold phone plus bulky module up to your ear.

For every good idea there is a very tangible impracticality and expense not only financially but concession wise to the device design and end users experience.

I in all honesty can not see the Z range taking off and foresee the same fortune as the LG G5 if not a worse one. As bad as the G5 was, it didn't have a $350 projector case !!!
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macrumors 68040
Aug 25, 2012
They could also make the practicalities such as getting a rear case for the phone difficult. Also what happens if you get a grain of sand or grit in between the rear and the module, your inevitably going to end up with scratches on the rear glass housing. That was previously one of the strengths of the Moto X line, they felt like they were built from materials to improve grip, texture, and ergonomics. Everything the Z eschews.

Then we look at the likes of the modules and how useful they would be versus their cost and the 'cost' to the overall design of the Z. The 2015 X was a $399 device with arguably some of the best if not best speakers on a smartphone. Stereo front facing and incredibly loud for a phone, easily loud enough for a room, listening to music. The Z, well we've dumped those and given you a single firing mono speaker which is quieter, but it's OK because you can buy a JBL speaker module for $100-150 for the already price hiked $600-700 Z device, that makes it loud however the speakers are now on the back, it makes the device thicker than any previous X range and of course is going to be damb awkward should someone actually ring your phone whilst your listening to music and you have to answer the phone and hold phone plus bulky module up to your ear.

For every good idea there is a very tangible impracticality and expense not only financially but concession wise to the device design and end users experience.

I in all honesty can not see the Z range taking off and foresee the same fortune as the LG G5 if not a worse one. As bad as the G5 was, it didn't have a $350 projector case !!!

I think the Verizon exclusivity doesn't help as well.


macrumors G4
Jun 11, 2009
They could also make the practicalities such as getting a rear case for the phone difficult. Also what happens if you get a grain of sand or grit in between the rear and the module, your inevitably going to end up with scratches on the rear glass housing. That was previously one of the strengths of the Moto X line, they felt like they were built from materials to improve grip, texture, and ergonomics. Everything the Z eschews.

Then we look at the likes of the modules and how useful they would be versus their cost and the 'cost' to the overall design of the Z. The 2015 X was a $399 device with arguably some of the best if not best speakers on a smartphone. Stereo front facing and incredibly loud for a phone, easily loud enough for a room, listening to music. The Z, well we've dumped those and given you a single firing mono speaker which is quieter, but it's OK because you can buy a JBL speaker module for $100-150 for the already price hiked $600-700 Z device, that makes it loud however the speakers are now on the back, it makes the device thicker than any previous X range and of course is going to be damb awkward should someone actually ring your phone whilst your listening to music and you have to answer the phone and hold phone plus bulky module up to your ear.

For every good idea there is a very tangible impracticality and expense not only financially but concession wise to the device design and end users experience.

I in all honesty can not see the Z range taking off and foresee the same fortune as the LG G5 if not a worse one. As bad as the G5 was, it didn't have a $350 projector case !!!

I love the JBL speaker mod. I'd rather NOT have front facing stereo speakers on a phone. They make the bezels larger and the entire phone larger, possibly thicker and that's a huge minus for me. I also think stereo speakers are more fully utilized if the phone is standing up, as is possible with the JBL kickstand. I would assume you could simply pop off the JBL mod when answering a call.

Moto is thinking outside the box, and that's great. No I don't think they will sell many of these, but it serves as an exploration tool. They can hone it and shape it into what will sell, or they won't and will never release a modular phone again, who knows. But it's not like it's their only model, they have plenty of other models to choose from. I do agree the mods are way too expensive. I'm not necessarily arguing for the phone, and I doubt I will buy it, I just think Moto deserves credit for thinking outside the box. A large part of what hampers them is Lenovo, who still think they can overcharge for their products. That's why I'm curious to see the pricetag of the Z itself.
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Surf Donkey

Original poster
May 12, 2015
I in all honesty can not see the Z range taking off and foresee the same fortune as the LG G5 if not a worse one. As bad as the G5 was, it didn't have a $350 projector case !!!

I am back and forth, but I think this will sell FAR better than the G5. Even as a Verizon exclusive. But the Play version is coming soon and will get some action as well. It will be priced much lower. That one will have a headphone jack too I am hearing.

The projector is niche, it isn't that great, I doubt they expect it to sell that well. I wouldn't necessarily call that one out as it is more designed to get people thinking about what can be done in the future. At least Lenovo is committed to actually making mods (and getting 3rd parties involved), unlike LG who basically abandoned the idea from day 1.
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macrumors G4
Jun 11, 2009
I am back and forth, but I think this will sell FAR better than the G5. Even as a Verizon exclusive. But the Play version is coming soon and will get some action as well. It will be priced much lower. That one will have a headphone jack too I am hearing.

The projector is niche, it isn't that great, I doubt they expect it to sell that well. I wouldn't necessarily call that one out as it is more designed to get people thinking about what can be done in the future. At least Lenovo is committed to actually making mods (and getting 3rd parties involved), unlike LG who basically abandoned the idea from day 1.

It's a shame the projector is so expensive. At $99 I'd buy it, seems like a cool feature to have even if just for mobile gaming, or showing your kids pics at a party.

But f or me, I just can't get over 5mm thick, that must be pretty awesome to hold. All those qualms about getting a thick phone because of battery life go right out the door when I can simply plop on a battery mod.
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Surf Donkey

Original poster
May 12, 2015
It's a shame the projector is so expensive. At $99 I'd buy it, seems like a cool feature to have even if just for mobile gaming, or showing your kids pics at a party.

Yeah, I am guessing it is mostly a prototype with a high production cost per unit. And, as-is, it is mostly impractical. Supposedly you need a really dark room. And there is no speaker on it, so if you want sound outside of the phone speaker, you need a bluetooth speaker as well.

I do think for this type of molularity, Lenovo has done it right. Having 14 mods available at launch will be a big help as well.

If LG mods were hot swappable, it would have been a whole different story. Having to reboot every time is a dealbreaker for most anyone from a practicality standpoint. I am not sure how that idea ever even left the conference room.
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macrumors G4
Jun 11, 2009
Well the Verizon unveiling event came and want and they didn't announce pricing or availability. This keystone kops maneuver doesn't bode well for the phone IMO. Rumors have the moto z at $625 and the force at $750, but nothing confirmed. Too expensive IMO, although not terribly so, maybe they should bundle a battery pack with them to make the price more palatable.

Anyway, I didn't realize it was a verizon exclusive temporarily, that's probably the first nail on the coffin.

Surf Donkey

Original poster
May 12, 2015
My guess is that they are keeping the reviewers under embargo for pricing and availability until preorders start this week on the 21st (which has been leaked). Verizon will officially announce it they day preorders are starting.

MKBHD did state it is Verizon exclusive for "a couple of weeks". Not sure it that was a slip or not. But yeah, for a flagship $750 sounds about the going rate. I do expect some extras coming with the preorders of the unlocked version.

Surf Donkey

Original poster
May 12, 2015
This is modular.......not add ons but modular.... Has nothing to do with aesthetics...
Informal poll at DroidLife backs up what most are saying here about the Moto Z. I think most will not be buying it.

View attachment 635138

Here's the thing about internet polls, they are worthless.

More people said they would not buy the S7 than the Moto .
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Dec 4, 2012
It is for now... sucks big time. Verizon must have paid out BIG money for this.

But I look at it this way, cool innovation and if it takes off when version 2 come out, hopefully they don't need the carrier subsidies.

Motorola's droids are almost always exclusive to Verizon for awhile, and some versions never go to another carrier. The Z Force, as of now, won't go to any other carrier, just the regular Droid Z.


macrumors G4
Jun 11, 2009
Because Michael Fisher is one of my fav reviewers:

Great review. I still have mixed feelings. I was considering switching to Verizon, but with their latest Ebenezer Scrooge moves I'm not so sure and am waiting to see what promos they have in August. $624 seems mighty expensive though when putting this next to a S7, especially with the complaints of lackluster camera. I couldn't believe how much smaller the S7 looked next to it, although we are talking about a 5.1" versus 5.5" screen, although the screens looked much closer in size than the specs say.

I think this may be one I get when they release an unlocked version, and when it drops to $300-400 on swappa. The moto mods fascinate me.
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macrumors G4
Jun 11, 2009
But.......Verizon (unless you are already with them). I do think the unlocked version is company in Sept. And I am betting will have some offers like this as well.

Yeah I'm considering Verizon, I've never had them and would like to see if they are any better than ATT in my area. It's too bad the unlocked Moto phones are usually only GSM as I'd love to be able to move carriers if needed.
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macrumors 65816
Oct 31, 2015
I actually love the design of this phone and the mods. Don't like the price though because I am cheap. Also can't do without a headphone jack.


macrumors Penryn
Aug 23, 2005
a better place
My biggest issue is the fact they have essentially abandoned the whole ethos of the Moto X; indeed so much so that with the Z they have essentially killed it.

The phone won't be available here on any carriers. It will only be importable or from third party resellers like Clove & expansys, and will likely carry a €750 kind of price point.

Given the difficulty procuring one and the additional extra cost of doing so, alongside issues such as 3rd party rear case availability - I honestly think it has an impossible mountain to climb to gain any traction.

My subjective opinion on it hasn't changed design wise. It's needlessly thin. The Moto finger rest which was a delight has been abandoned. The mixture of aesthetics such as circular camera and rounded device edge corners mixed with a hideous square fingerprint scanner on a large chin with Moto logo plastered on it just for good measure - for me makes it one of the ugliest designs I've seen in a long time, as if it was designed by a committee of the blind.
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macrumors 604
Nov 7, 2014
My biggest issue is the fact they have essentially abandoned the whole ethos of the Moto X; indeed so much so that with the Z they have essentially killed it.

The phone won't be available here on any carriers. It will only be importable or from third party resellers like Clove & expansys, and will likely carry a €750 kind of price point.

Given the difficulty procuring one and the additional extra cost of doing so, alongside issues such as 3rd party rear case availability - I honestly think it has an impossible mountain to climb to gain any traction.

My subjective opinion on it hasn't changed design wise. It's needlessly thin. The Moto finger rest which was a delight has been abandoned. The mixture of aesthetics such as circular camera and rounded device edge corners mixed with a hideous square fingerprint scanner on a large chin with Moto logo plastered on it just for good measure - for me makes it one of the ugliest designs I've seen in a long time, as if it was designed by a committee of the blind.

The new Moto X should have a fingerprint scanner on the dimple M logo on the back. That's a no brainer. This would also help keep the front cleaner since it's already a bit muddled with all those sensors, most notably on the white-front version.

I agree with you. The Moto Z is one of the ugliest phones I've seen. The back can at least be covered up with an attractive looking plate, but the front is hideous and cannot be saved.
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macrumors Penryn
Aug 23, 2005
a better place
The new Moto X should have a fingerprint scanner on the dimple M logo on the back. That's a no brainer. This would also help keep the front cleaner since it's already a bit muddled with all those sensors, most notably on the white-front version.

I agree with you. The Moto Z is one of the ugliest phones I've seen. The back can at least be covered up with an attractive looking plate, but the front is hideous and cannot be saved.

The sad thing is if they simply took the 2015 X Pure / Style and just updated the internals, perhaps made the device a tad thinner (keeping the awesome stereo speakers and headphone port) and used the rear M () circular dimple as the perfect position for a rear finger print scanner and then added few new options to Moto customisation and kept the price at $399 starting it would be an absolute no brainier of a phone purchase for me.

As it stands they have lost me as a customer. Someone who has bought and supported every revision of the X.

Surf Donkey

Original poster
May 12, 2015
Design is certainly subjective. I went and played with one at Best Buy. I think it is one of the best looking phones I have ever seen. The side buttons are my only complaint. Sadly I am not going to buy it as a carrier exclusive. I don't really think I would invest in the mods because I change phones too much. But they have really created a beautiful and innovative phone here. It will be niche, no doubt.

I know it is a departure from the past, but those phones would have been just lost in a sea of other phones at that price point. It is innovate or die right now. Perhaps this will flop, but moto/lenovo took more of a chance and came out with a better product than I could have ever expected.

I do believe this design will be the future of phones. We are just seeing the first innovations:
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macrumors G4
Jun 11, 2009
My biggest issue is the fact they have essentially abandoned the whole ethos of the Moto X; indeed so much so that with the Z they have essentially killed it.

The phone won't be available here on any carriers. It will only be importable or from third party resellers like Clove & expansys, and will likely carry a €750 kind of price point.

Given the difficulty procuring one and the additional extra cost of doing so, alongside issues such as 3rd party rear case availability - I honestly think it has an impossible mountain to climb to gain any traction.

My subjective opinion on it hasn't changed design wise. It's needlessly thin. The Moto finger rest which was a delight has been abandoned. The mixture of aesthetics such as circular camera and rounded device edge corners mixed with a hideous square fingerprint scanner on a large chin with Moto logo plastered on it just for good measure - for me makes it one of the ugliest designs I've seen in a long time, as if it was designed by a committee of the blind.

The thinness is not needless IMO, I love it. That's the entire point, if you want more battery you buy the z force or you buy one of the battery mods. I've always found the front facing stereo speakers kind of useless and adding a lot of bulk to the phone. They are ok if you are holding the phone, but if you want to prop the phone up and not use your hands then they (and the screen) border on useless as they are firing/facing straight up. That's why I dig the JBL mod, it sounds MUCH better than the front speakers from other models from reviews I've read, has extra battery, and best of all has a kickstand. I never really enjoyed content on my phablet because of the lack of a kickstand and wonder why no one uses one anymore. I miss the droid kickstands, handy little things.

Otherwise I fully agree with you, Moto is painting themselves into a corner. It doesn't surprise me though as the ethos at Lenovo is to take novel ideas, then overcharge and paint themselves into corners and wonder why the product tanked.
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macrumors 604
Nov 7, 2014
Design is certainly subjective. I went and played with one at Best Buy. I think it is one of the best looking phones I have ever seen. The side buttons are my only complaint. Sadly I am not going to buy it as a carrier exclusive. I don't really think I would invest in the mods because I change phones too much. But they have really created a beautiful and innovative phone here. It will be niche, no doubt.

I know it is a departure from the past, but those phones would have been just lost in a sea of other phones at that price point. It is innovate or die right now. Perhaps this will flop, but moto/lenovo took more of a chance and came out with a better product than I could have every expected.

I do believe this design will be the future of phones. We are just seeing the first innovations:

The side buttons on both the G4 and G4 Plus were terrible. They didn't "unclick" very well. They felt like they would get stuck. And so double-clicking the power button for the camera was a terrible feeling -- the button felt mucky and sticky.

Weird thing going on with all Moto/Lenovo's recent phones, I guess. Needless to say, I returned both G4/G4+.
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