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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jul 6, 2015
Central Michigan
@HFTaylor, if you enjoy making the software, including Leopard Market, I won't stop you. If you continue developing it, I'm sure we can figure out a solution that satisfies both you and the PPC Archive team. Gavin has given me full control of relations, so this is coming from both of us... if you'd like to continue working on it, please go ahead and do so. If not, than we thank you for trying to work on it and hopefully we can find another project in the future that can incorporate the Archive Team and your desire and skills to make software that would help to make our PPCs live longer
If it doesn't make anyone upset, angry, or frustrated, I would like to continue working on it. I'll be sure to credit all of you guys in the work. But, as I think you said above, the Leopard Market could (at some point, when it gets much better) compete with the PPC Archive, and I don't want that to happen. Your work is amazing and it must've taken you a very long time. We need some way to prevent the LM from completing with the Archive before I continue.


macrumors 68020
Apr 22, 2014
If it doesn't make anyone upset, angry, or frustrated, I would like to continue working on it. I'll be sure to credit all of you guys in the work. But, as I think you said above, the Leopard Market could (at some point, when it gets much better) compete with the PPC Archive, and I don't want that to happen. We need some way to prevent that before I can continue developing.

Continue developing it and we'll figure out a way to try and solve the competition issue.
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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jul 6, 2015
Central Michigan
Continue developing it and we'll figure out a way to try and solve the competition issue.
I appreciate it. Thanks. I'm going to start working on a whole new Leopard Market that works a bit differently, because my current one is hard to update and has some other problems on my end.
EDIT: And I won't be releasing without a built-in downloader, either!
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macrumors 65816
Feb 17, 2013
NorCal boonies ~~~by Reno sorta
Nick summed it up pretty well and I'll input my thoughts.

Henry, years ago I had this great concept to clone the App Store from Snow Leopard and unfortunately, a dedicated "Leopard Market" was just not a very good idea to spend time developing. My idea was a full on program where the only thing it would source from the internet was an App to download, however that made many things a possible inconvenience to the user and me being the developer.

Going web based is a much better idea as content can be added/modified/or deleted on the fly without having to release a new 40MB update for Leopard Market. The website idea was a much better approach and that is why I never pursued developing Leopard Market.

However, if you do decide to continue working on your program, feel free, nobody is going to stop you. It was just not the right option for what I planned to do.
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