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I think he should choose to step down and let some one else run the company.


What is it that Jobs has done that makes you think this? Honestly, are you completely and utterly devoid of common sense, or any grasp on reality, business and how the world works? Maybe you're just being very sarcastic?

I hope so...
This is a valid discussion...

Do I respect him? Yes.
Do I believe he has had a tremendous impact on the industry? Yes.

Steve has been a great CEO for Apple because he's not conventional. He focusses on end-user experience first, and figures out what to sell later. Most companies work in the opposite way. Steve brings a distinct vision and desire to capture essence in products.

Bottom line is, he does do some strange things... I think more important than ousting him is who would fill his shoes... Steve has built huge star power and that really has accounted for a lot of Apple's success.

And at the end of the day, Apple will need a new CEO someday soon. I'm more worried about Disney, they need him desperately.
So you think steve jobs should be ousted after turning apple from a near dead wreck into the *hugely* successful company it is today just because you're pissy about a couple of things?


steve jobs was only able to make it a successfuly company by screwing his customers out of their money and making his share holders happy.
lets also not forget that in the past Jobs being fired from apple is what saved the company. Even Jobs admits he should of been fired when he was in the the past.

While now he turned it around. I am among the group who think it is time for him to past the touch on to some one else. Not be forcibly remove but I think he should choose to step down and let some one else run the company.

Jobs learnt allot in his time away from the company and just because it was good for him to be fired before does not mean him leaving now would be a good thing, the only suitable candidate in my mind to take over is Jonathan Ives and frankly he's currently doing what he does best: design.

All tech companies have recalls, all tech companies release the odd dodgy product, at the end of the day everything is contracted to Chinese manufacturers and apple uses pretty good ones (ASUStek and Foxconn to my knowledge). Apple gets all the attention because a dell tower with a common fault is not news, but a macbook with a case that's prone to staining is because apple is currently in vogue and that works both ways for them. I can't tell you the number of people i know who thought that their creative ipod clone would be more reliable than an ipod only to find it failed in one way or another within the year.

CEO is not a position that there are turns to take, this is not a playground game this is buissness, if you honestly think that apple will do better with someone else at the helm then I'd love to hear your reasoning but at the rate apple's sales are increasing I'm not sure they could handle any significant acceleration of growth.

steve jobs was only able to make it a successfuly company by screwing his customers out of their money and making his share holders happy.

It's called capitalism.
steve jobs was only able to make it a successfuly company by screwing his customers out of their money and making his share holders happy.

Don't be daft.
"screwing his customers out of their money" implies Apple is some kind of dodgy fly-by-night operation…
How on earth have we been "screwed" out of our money? I for one have always paid willingly for Apple hardware and software. No one forced me to… least of all Steve Jobs. :rolleyes:
for someone new at the helm. (No, I won't mention any names, but you all know who I'm talking about.) This is getting ridiculous... :mad:

This is a ridiculous assertion.
SJ brought Apple back into the mainstream and to it's current position as one of the top innovators in the industry.
Grow up.
steve jobs was only able to make it a successfuly company by screwing his customers out of their money and making his share holders happy.

I buy Apple products because I think they're the best to fill my needs. If some other company comes along and offers something better, I will certainly consider it.

Clearly I must be out of my mind. I guess I never realized that I have no clue what I'm doing or talking about. Thanks for letting me know.
Shall we revisit this a year from today?

I've given Apple well of 3G over the last 18 months. Given what's been happening lately, I don't think there will be a repeat in the same time frame.

What's with this need for immediate gratification? Let's revisit this in a year and discuss the rumors of upcoming products then. It's as if you have nothing to talk about if Apple super-hype isn't the topic.

And how does Apple know you've spent $3,000 in the last year? Who do you think you are?
This is one of the oddest discussions I've seen about Apple in some time. The speculation usually runs towards how Apple would recover from the potential loss of Steve Jobs at the helm, the general consensus being that Jobs currently appears to be irreplaceable. A weird comment I read in another thread bemoaned the fact that most of the MWSF new product rumors turned out be true. I feel like I've fallen down the rabbit hole. Please direct me to the Queen of Hearts. I feel certain she will make more sense than what I've been hearing lately.

I know! It's bizarre. People are whining about the stupidest things. Some of them wanted more at MWSF. What more could the want? I was shocked to see that that many new things were released. It was amazing, really.

What is it that Jobs has done that makes you think this? Honestly, are you completely and utterly devoid of common sense, or any grasp on reality, business and how the world works? Maybe you're just being very sarcastic?

I hope so...

this is kind of an example of a reason why I think it is time for him to set down. The Job idol worship is getting beyond god alful. To many apple fans treat what he says as the word of God.

He has done great things for the company but I think he needs to pass the touch on before it is forced to be passed (death, sickness ect) and before passing it will cause a lot of harm. Right now he has the time pass it and announce it with out causing a huge problem. Things are booming for the company and that is when it is the best time to pass. Much easier for some one to take over when things are going great.
this is kind of an example of a reason why I think it is time for him to set down. The Job idol worship is getting beyond god alful. To many apple fans treat what he says as the word of God.

Again, this is not idol worship, this is looking at it from a business perspective. The company is on the up. Still. It hasn't peaked, it hasn't leveled out. There's plenty left for Jobs to do before he goes. And I'd love to see the damage to Apple's stock price if he left today.

He has done great things for the company but I think he needs to pass the touch on before it is forced to be passed (death, sickness ect) and before passing it will cause a lot of harm. Right now he has the time pass it and announce it with out causing a huge problem. Things are booming for the company and that is when it is the best time to pass. Much easier for some one to take over when things are going great.

What you say is correct from one perspective; every company needs a long-term plan and it's good to go out on a high. But who's the successor, exactly, that you have in mind? And why, at mid-50s, should Jobs be thinking about handing over the company that has been his life and that he's resurrected from near-failure.

It's a lot harder than waking up one day and saying, "you know what, here you go Phil (Schiller)."

Plus, the original point of this thread was how bad Jobs is now doing for Apple, which is clearly B/S when you examine the figures.

P.S. I think the more correct expression is "pass the torch" unless you're playing some random drinking game...
In other words, all the things that consumers want, but investors hate.
I had a feeling something like that was the root of all of this. ;) :p

LOL. Yeah, it's obvious the consumers don't want what Apple is selling, but bless them for buying more than ever anyway!!!

Yes, there is a small unserved market niche looking for a prosumer tower. Apple has figured out that it's a "trap" niche that would not be in the best interests of the company and is wisely avoiding the trap.
Again, this is not idol worship, this is looking at it from a business perspective. The company is on the up. Still. It hasn't peaked, it hasn't leveled out. There's plenty left for Jobs to do before he goes. And I'd love to see the damage to Apple's stock price if he left today.

Well I wouldn't. Hasn't the last two weeks been bad enough?

Let's forget the "idol worship" thing, shall we? Jobs has been a phenomenal CEO for Apple on a purely objective basis. I think it's those who'd propose his ouster now, for no apparent reason other than Apple hasn't shipped their personal pet product, who should have their objectivity questioned.
...for no apparent reason other than Apple hasn't shipped their personal pet product, who should have their objectivity questioned.

Well said.
The ousting of Steve Jobs is so ludicrous that I can't really understand the thought process on that one. Who do you suggest replaces him? John Sculley?

The OP is noted of saying this first, and he can have all the credit for it. I will be the n-th person to say that I disagree.
I love watching some of you :apple: worms squirm as the stock price keeps falling falling falling. I predict early retirement for Jobs real soon, by MWSF 2010 at the latest.

Slow and steady wins the race.
I love watching some of you :apple: worms squirm as the stock price keeps falling falling falling. I predict early retirement for Jobs real soon, by MWSF 2010 at the latest.

Slow and steady wins the race.

I have no stock, I simply speak for their products, something which I'm happy to pay the extra $500 for. Comparing them to Dell is wrong, how much R & D do dell spend on their products for example for hardware and software costs, Apple do make their own operating system you know, Dell licenses somebody elses.

Nobody is old at 50 either, I hope Jobs doesn't retire by 2010. The more success he brings Apple the less likely that's going to happen. Share price might be down now like it always is after a Keynote, but Apple did just post their best quarter ever... again!
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