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Again it sounds exactly like Jabber/XMPP. I really don't see this happening. If these developers really wanted to support more users, they could use a XMPP server and it would allow you to chat with Google Talk, Jabber, etc users. However, when you venture into becoming an IM system, then you will lose to apps like Beejive who have implemented these features already and are very mature.

perhaps minor for some - but the difference is that you don't have to be logged in. These BBM type messenger apps use push and don't require the program to be open or for you to be logged in...

imessenger right now will also tell you if the message has been read yet.

So it's a little different than just what beejive does.
Dont forget iPushIt.

iPushIt Appstore Link

Version 2.0 (just uploaded to Apple) Screenshots :


iPushIt is NOT solely an iPhone-to-iPhone messaging app. Do you really not see the difference? Or is the thread title too puzzling?


You are not God here. You do not get to tell people what they can and can't post. So just stop it.

In any case, the iPushIt description says that the sender and addressee both need iPushIt. Is that too puzzling for you?

You guys sure get touchy about your apps. Who cares what does what and who likes what. You like whatever you want to.
Thanks PBF for adding Flow Messenger. Flow Messenger's backend web service is designed as a consumable resource, so in the future, it can be opened up to other developers to tie into, or I can expand it into other platforms. I would think its abit difficult for other iPhone to iPhone programs to communicate with each other's backend, probably because of different feature sets(some have group chat, some can send pics).
lol, who would have thought the idea would be so popular.

anyways, i wish apple would just use ichat as their iphone to iphone platform with push notification. that would probably be most ideal.
It's also very interesting that Gary(Ping!) and I(Flow Messenger) are both in Toronto, and Derek (MessageNow) is in Waterloo which is not too far away.

I think it would be interesting to get together sometime and maybe have a beer or two. It'd probably be cool if Jan from WhatsApp was here too, but I might be heading down to SF in the coming year, so maybe next time with Jan =p.
lol, who would have thought the idea would be so popular.

anyways, i wish apple would just use ichat as their iphone to iphone platform with push notification. that would probably be most ideal.

Yes I wish that too. Perhaps this is what the new $1 billion data center in North Carolina could be for and expanding mobileme services. Like RIM out of Waterloo on their push emails and bb messenger. ;)

Would like to point out, that Ping! (although it is the most known because it was the first one to do it)
Isn't what we could call a real messenger.
It is using Push notification to work, it doesn't connect to any server, it only goes fetching message when you receive a push notification.
You don't have push notification, you are screwed !
It doesn't have half of the work the other editors did, by making a protocol, connecting to server, opening socket, etc...
You should try, remove all push notification of Ping! send yourself a message, you will never receive it. Put push notification back, send yourself a message and TADA, it works....
Since Push notification isn't 100% reliable, I really don't think a software should rely on it, further more when the software is open.

@Everyone else
It seems that the only editor willing to export it's messenger on other platform is pMessenger, I think the android and blackberry beta is out there, not sure.
Status: Unreleased
Developer: iMessengerApp

from Twitter @imessengerapp:

@THE_MAD_HATTA We have made just one version that is free and enabled in-app purchase for removal of ads/to send mms. $0.99/$1.99. #iPhone
12:31 AM Dec 6th from Tweetie in reply to THE_MAD_HATTA

iMessenger is now "In Review." This #iPhone app is going to be epic!
6:24 PM Dec 5th from Tweetie
iMessenger is out.

The bad:
- landscape mode is not optional
- chat logs sometimes disappear upon relaunching
- login pop-up with the word "Login..." in it is annoying and unnecessary
- no time stamps
- send button is a tad too small
- no address book integration
- notification sounds are wacky
- no link parsing
- chat bubbles are not copiable

The good:
- check it out for yourself ;)
Pinch iMessenger

Hi All,

Sorry for being late to the party ;)

Just a quick note to introduce our messaging app called Pinch iMessenger.
It's an ultra fast messaging app with location-aware mobile social networking features. It's free to use so you can save on SMS/MMS charges and it works between iPhone™, Android™, Blackberry™ and soon Nokia™/Symbian® phones. Download links for the various platforms are available here to get in touch with your friends and family for free.

Some screenshots below:


Thanks for reading ;)

Pinch Team
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