here's mine, that's the old 23" and MacPro on the right transferring data... going to be a long weekend.
Where did you get that power bar??
Just felt like saying something random..
As for Xfering data,
u going to migrate data with a firewire cable?
The reason I ask this is I'm getting an i7 also and I'm wondering if I should just restore from a time machine backup of my current imac or not
Just felt like saying something random..
As for Xfering data,
u going to migrate data with a firewire cable?
The reason I ask this is I'm getting an i7 also and I'm wondering if I should just restore from a time machine backup of my current imac or not
I set the machine up totally from scratch, fresh installed all of my apps & updates and I'm going to manually migrate all my data, settings and preferences.
This way I'm not transferring a bunch of junk that's littered around in the system that I don't use anymore.
No firewire, I'm doing over my Gigabit network which should be a little faster than FW800.
I started a thread about the same topic. There are some good suggestions over there. Check it out.
OP, very nice setup. What apps are you using for your audio work? How is the i7 handling it?
Mine should be on my desk around Thanksgiving time. I cant wait!!
Remedial question... how are you doing it over Gig net? Did you get a crossover cable or something?
No crossover cable. I have a gigabit switch that is the backbone of my home network, so I just plugged the iMac into one of the free ports.
But that said, the new macs have auto sensing ethernet ports so you shouldn't need a crossover if you want to directly link 2 machines together.
So if you can connect 2 machines together due to the auto sensing ethernet ports, why does everyone recommend using FW for the migration assistant?
I'd reckon it's because most people do not know how to setup an ad-hoc network to directly connect the two computers together.
I wouldn't like that dell setup... I like usually 1 screen, about 24" to 30", then maybe a 24" off to the side...
Pretty much just Logic Studio, Peak and a myriad of plugins and samples
Dunno how it's gonna handle it yet I have to get all of my plugins re-installed fresh and get all of my samples moved over to the new machine before I start messing about in Logic.
Cool man, very nice setup. Yea, I know that's a bit off subject, but I'm a logic user as well, and would love to hear your feedback on Logic's performance on your 27 incher.
Btw, so you will be running your samples straight off the imac HD?
iPhone pic doesn't do justice to its beauty.
I don't mind it either way, it's just how this particular desk works with the sliding keyboard tray and it works for me.Is it nice you have your mouse and keyboard below the iMac? I've never done that before...
I set the machine up totally from scratch, fresh installed all of my apps & updates and I'm going to manually migrate all my data, settings and preferences.
This way I'm not transferring a bunch of junk that's littered around in the system that I don't use anymore.
No firewire, I'm doing over my Gigabit network which should be a little faster than FW800.
iPhone pic doesn't do justice to its beauty.
iPhone pic doesn't do justice to its beauty.