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macrumors G5
Original poster
Jun 27, 2007
Pretty crazy app that downloads all your medical files. How does it do that? It even plays back ultrasound videos of your baby so you can show it off. Holy crap. Too bad the stats page looks so chintzy...and that it costs $50. Might get this in the future if it works when I have children.


macrumors regular
Jul 10, 2008
how does it know that you are in fact the person you say you are? if anyone downloads this i'm curious to know


macrumors 6502a
Sep 14, 2007
Manchester, UK
am i missing something, this costs £5.99 in the uk store?

Can't see how that could work here - most hospitals are still mostly paper and the government medical database isn't online until 2010-2012 (and do we *really* want a huge government database with all our medical records on it, that'll probably get left on a train or something after 3 months).

Hell, my GP doesn't even have email! I have to take the morning off work to order a prescription then another morning 2 days later to pick it up.. every month. It's like living in the dark ages..
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