Sorry sbrage2000 and anyone else who gets offended by errors such as these. Well 10gigabits I was thinking in gigabytes, which would have been insane I guess. In truth all the time I have been thinking in gigabytes even with Sata/6gigabit cards and USB 3. A Gigabit is just an easier term of saying 1000mega bits which in turn 1 megabit is an easier term to say 1000 kilobits. Which in it self is like 1000 thousand is the same as ten hundred or 10,000 thousand is one hundred hundreds or 1,000,000 million is the same as ten hundred thousand. Still as a by product the streaming attributes of a 10gigabit I/O with light peak, is still appealing, and is more than what is current.
Wow, who would have thought, but is this really true, is one saying Intel would purposely purpose to not allow this technology to be made, even from other manufactures? Does this not make sense, so as to allow people with even the current technology,the current mac pro as they still sell that product in 2011 and some past mac pros the ability to use that technology.
Regarding what is being said as true, would Intel really do this? And why would Intel do this? So people buy whole new machines?
What about people who just brought new machines in 2011, what about those people? Are those machines now considered obsolete? Well obsolete if we are regarding this new light peak technology as the future. Will they use the words not compatible with previous 2008,09 10 models of computers? This does not make sense, I am confusued with all this no, yes, no, and yes but no what is going on
I saw a statement somewhere on here saying, that this light peak technology is a game changer. I do not understand this statement. I understand what a game is. But life is not a game, you do not have multiple lives in real life or restart points, or save states when you die or fail. And in life when you die you are dead. When you die in this frequency of existence you are dead, and no game over screen. So the statement game changer can never be correct,that statement is void.
I have also seen statements"well that is the way of the world, that is how things are, this is how companies are, this is how people are".
But when this has never happened before to someone, one can stand outside of your statement box of how things are in the world and know that something like that has happened before to you, perhaps multiple times and now you accept it as being normal. And then you can associate and label when something appears the same you considered that something to be normal, when in fact it is only normal from your perspective. If I was to use a metaphor to some up these events of light peak Apple and Intel and if this is indeed true about Intel. Regarding some of the consumers that by these products and make statements such as what I noticed some people have said. Then I would say, in this instance the consumers are some form of sheep, and the companies that lead are the shepherds.