What now?
JavaScript is the modern foundation of our web experience today - with such a great responsibility, there can be abuses. JavaScript could be better, much better, but it's a pretty solid language given its roots and what it needs to cover. Any failures in usage and learning, by way of attitude or resistance are on the developer. People have used JavaScript to achieve some incredible things and, as an example, Node is nothing sort of great. PHP is awful, but it opened the gateway in a similar way.
A site seeing Mobile Safari and assuming that it is a -mobile- device without reading the rest of the summary, which includes notations for devices, is a failure on the developers part. Apple can do nothing about that since they provide everything for splitting them apart already... which does suck. And IMO, and after years of work in it, I think responsive web is best because you can be ready for things like split screen, new devices, and unexpected situations without much or any prep. And from the development side it's much more efficient and consistent. Other ways to differentiate the web introduce failures that make the web sucks for general users. But then again, I'm someone who will execute as much through CSS as possible - I say CSS has no limits! ;]
@Krev - and from my above statement, I have issues with M Safaris rendering, and how it constructs the pages during compile time that have led me into trivial scenarios while crafting intense styles. Edge case, but inconsistencies with other browsers for sure. And the more general scrolling-page-turn-white symptom of that problem.
But mainly, my issue is with the lack of documentation for the ends and outs that I've had to strive to learn and work around. For example, since the hover element is nonexist on iOS, hover can be intrepretted as tap one, and then the actual click on tap two but only if content is being shown or hidden and in certain ways - which works great in most situations - but is nothing sort of awful to work around when something unexpected happens. And random other mobile browsers don't work like that, meaning hacks for one or the other making things very fragile.
These ends and outs are a great cause of inconsistencies on sites where inputs don't work, or things just feel off and the lack of documentation available to help clear those out before they're even conceptualized is minimal
Unless your company is built around it (a la Facebook), many of the leaders in large companies see it as a waste (when they have something 'good enough') or don't understand the amount of resources required. It takes a passion to drive those things and many of those with that passion aren't driving the company. And it takes effort, not because of mobile Safari, but because of all of the fragmented lenses we view the net through in general.
JavaScript is the modern foundation of our web experience today - with such a great responsibility, there can be abuses. JavaScript could be better, much better, but it's a pretty solid language given its roots and what it needs to cover. Any failures in usage and learning, by way of attitude or resistance are on the developer. People have used JavaScript to achieve some incredible things and, as an example, Node is nothing sort of great. PHP is awful, but it opened the gateway in a similar way.
A site seeing Mobile Safari and assuming that it is a -mobile- device without reading the rest of the summary, which includes notations for devices, is a failure on the developers part. Apple can do nothing about that since they provide everything for splitting them apart already... which does suck. And IMO, and after years of work in it, I think responsive web is best because you can be ready for things like split screen, new devices, and unexpected situations without much or any prep. And from the development side it's much more efficient and consistent. Other ways to differentiate the web introduce failures that make the web sucks for general users. But then again, I'm someone who will execute as much through CSS as possible - I say CSS has no limits! ;]
@Krev - and from my above statement, I have issues with M Safaris rendering, and how it constructs the pages during compile time that have led me into trivial scenarios while crafting intense styles. Edge case, but inconsistencies with other browsers for sure. And the more general scrolling-page-turn-white symptom of that problem.
But mainly, my issue is with the lack of documentation for the ends and outs that I've had to strive to learn and work around. For example, since the hover element is nonexist on iOS, hover can be intrepretted as tap one, and then the actual click on tap two but only if content is being shown or hidden and in certain ways - which works great in most situations - but is nothing sort of awful to work around when something unexpected happens. And random other mobile browsers don't work like that, meaning hacks for one or the other making things very fragile.
These ends and outs are a great cause of inconsistencies on sites where inputs don't work, or things just feel off and the lack of documentation available to help clear those out before they're even conceptualized is minimal
The crazy part is that a lot of these sites are really big corporations (Virgin America, for instance). Are the management so blind that they are unwilling to spare a few thousand to improve their customers' experiences via debugging? It's crazy to me, and absolutely upsetting that I feel so powerless to bring about such change.
Unless your company is built around it (a la Facebook), many of the leaders in large companies see it as a waste (when they have something 'good enough') or don't understand the amount of resources required. It takes a passion to drive those things and many of those with that passion aren't driving the company. And it takes effort, not because of mobile Safari, but because of all of the fragmented lenses we view the net through in general.
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