I bought a replica steel band which is a identical to the real mccoy. Personally, I find Apple's steel bands, far too thin for my liking.
You can see the difference in thickness between the two bracelets below - the one which is off the watch, is basically a carbon copy of Apple's genuine steel bracelet, compared to the one on the watch, which is a third party band off Amazon. If I had bought the real deal from Apple, ok, I admit, it may have looked better, however, the actual thickness of the band would have been the same.
You can see the difference in thickness between the two bracelets below - the one which is off the watch, is basically a carbon copy of Apple's genuine steel bracelet, compared to the one on the watch, which is a third party band off Amazon. If I had bought the real deal from Apple, ok, I admit, it may have looked better, however, the actual thickness of the band would have been the same.