Currently im working on a magazine website and I need a logo. Im very knowledgeable in photoshop, but I just dont have the time to design a quality logo because this shop needs to go up within the next week. I was wondering if anyone would be willing to design me a quality magazine logo? It doesnt have to be anything off the wall that people pay hundreds of dollars for, but just something clean that will make people want to shop at my site. It doesnt have to be grandiose like im selling electronics. I'd just like a "$" somewhere in it and pics somehow of the magazines.
If interested I'll PM you the slogan and actual website name.
please reply here or PM me ASAP
here's some examples of nice ones:
and here
let me know if you can help me out
If interested I'll PM you the slogan and actual website name.
please reply here or PM me ASAP
here's some examples of nice ones:
and here
let me know if you can help me out