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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Aug 3, 2014
* Edit: The issue seems to have resolved by deleting some tab groups.


On my iPad running 15.7, I was able to long press on the safari sidebar button (top left) & without taking my finger off the screen slide it down the pop up menu to quickly switch tab groups. This was a very quick and easy way to switch back and forth between different tab groups with a single press and slide rather than a multi step approach. I was using this quite a lot up until recently when it stopped working. I can still long press but I can’t slide down the menu and it is surprisingly much slower now, especially with many tab groups and often switching. (Long press, release finger, scroll down menu, release finger, press on tab group.)

I can still long press and slide on the show all tabs button (top right) and the back forward buttons. I have not performed any updates or changed any settings - it just stopped working and after multiple reboots it still has not returned.

Has anyone else noticed this feature disappear or have any ideas how to get it back?

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