So I got an iPad from my local Apple store on launch day and I love it! But I had a problem with the wifi working although the 3G was fine so I took it back to the store and the man who served me explained he would need to refund it and then resell me one to give me a replacement for the faulty iPad. He didn't however refund it onto a gift card like he should have and instead refunded it back onto my debit card. When he tried to take the money back out for the new iPad it wouldn't go through because the funds weren't available to do so as obviously the money takes a few days to be refunded. After nearly a two hour wait in the Apple Store they let me go with my new iPad however they took an imprint of my card manually and I had to fill out a form and they said it would be fine and the money would come out in due course. The next week I got a phone call asking for the IMEI number of the iPad so I gave it them and they said that it was fine and the money had come out and they were sorry for any inconvenience. Today however I received another phone call saying I would have to go back in the store because they had not got the money and I have to make the trip (which takes a few hours) to pay for it (even though I was told this was all sorted out?) I'm going to go to my bank to ask if the money is in my account or not because something seems abit fishy to me... But has anyone else experienced a similar problem on here or could give me any advice?
Its such an inconvenience, Thanks, Nick
Its such an inconvenience, Thanks, Nick