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this sounds great but i dont have much programming experience, i mean i have taken 2 semesters of matlab and i am quite proficient at it but that is pretty much it. i think i am going to download xcode but i have no idea where to begin.

anyway my AIM sn is: you mean you

usually on all the time
but why limit to newbs? pro's/experianced can be alot of help,

but this forum is really a good place for discussing code.

anyways aim = darkyaromy

There's nothing wrong with experienced programmers, though a lot tend to use too much jargon on newbies and completely blow past their understanding. I'll keep an eye on this thread. I have a few books on Objective-C (though I can't find them at the moment, nor have I actually programmed in it yet) and I know a thing or 2 about javascript.... See? :D
Sounds good. I've always wanted to learn how to use X-Code and program proper mac apps but X-Code looks and feels funny to me (Maybe because i'm programming in java :p) So sign me up I guess. :D
Me, twoodcc, and captainzap have been coding some light projects. With plans to improve them as our knowledge expands. So, if you would like some introductions to Cocoa, or care to share a tutorial you've been working up. Please join us during our SubEthaEdit sessions. AIM is, revelationsd5. Usually on nightly (USA).
I'd love to join in on this... I'm a total newbie to Cocoa, but I consider myself an intermediate Java programmer, good enough to write an application and distribute it to anyone who's interested (which I have done - see my web site in my profile for details).
EVERYONE. If you have not given me your email address please do so via PM or AIM BELOW.

Its very hard to communicate with some many people via IM. The group is very large now 50+...... i am in the process of looking at a discount for a very important piece of software we could do with..... ;)

I'll make it easier add me to AIM : davejmuk21
You have all my information, but I'm not going to start a thread just to ask this question: where's the 'official' MacRumors Linux thread? If one does not exist, it should be MADE.
Well, I would not consider myself a n00b so much anymore, with the amount of Java stuff I have done.

Couple things I want to point out...
Nobody is ever on #eenu (on the server), it would be nice if somebody would hang out there.
Also there is #objc and #macdev on freenode, I typically hang out in #objc.

My goal is to make cross platform programs, not counting Windows ;)

What kind of projects are you going to do?
There's nothing wrong with experienced programmers, though a lot tend to use too much jargon on newbies and completely blow past their understanding. I'll keep an eye on this thread. I have a few books on Objective-C (though I can't find them at the moment, nor have I actually programmed in it yet) and I know a thing or 2 about javascript.... See? :D

Dude. That is awesome. :cool:
Just a post looking for fellow newbie programmers who would like to add each other to Aim/MSN or something to help each other learn and share information/knowledge.

I guess PM me with your details and i will do and information pass round between all those interested!

Maybe when we all get upto speed we could do a joint project of some description :D

hey i will also join wit u people
I'm interested. I'll help with what I know, along with asking a few questions of my own.

Mostly PHP, MySQL, (rusty) Java, C.

Most of my work involves creating web-appliations for a University, to streamline processing of applications to graduate, degree certifications, and faculty reporting. Basically taking PDF forms and turning them into dynamic websites. Nothing terribly exciting, but it's your meat-and-potatoes kind of job. The thankless kind :D
I don't have a Mac yet but will soon hopefully. It'd be nice to get a head start and know some basic stuff before I dive in.

Count me in! I won't be much help but who knows?

You can start by getting a copy of Linux... Linux and OSX are very closely related. I would get Ubuntu Linux to start from as they are currently the easiest distro to use and install.

I dual boot Ubuntu 64bit and OSX on my iMac C2D :D
Well, I would not consider myself a n00b so much anymore, with the amount of Java stuff I have done.

Couple things I want to point out...
Nobody is ever on #eenu (on the server), it would be nice if somebody would hang out there.
Also there is #objc and #macdev on freenode, I typically hang out in #objc.

My goal is to make cross platform programs, not counting Windows ;)

What kind of projects are you going to do?
I can't find #eenu. Is it still there?
I can't find #eenu. Is it still there?

it looks like nobody registered the channel, but the channel comes and goes based on if anybody is in it or not... So if I join right now and nobody is in it, it will make the channel and will make me moderator until I leave.

Like I said, there are other good channels like #objc if nobody is in #eenu to help.

just type /join #eenu
If you guys really want to do this. You need to come to a consensus for a method of communication. Someone mentioned Pownce, that sounds cool but it might take awhile for everyone to get "invited". I think we might need something a little more than irc aswell. Any ideas?
Count me in too...

So far we have:


Anyone else is welcome. I will contact everyone soon :)

Please sign me up as well.

I am very excited to see what Leopard has in store.

I have been programming for about 2 years now, but it has been on the Windoze side of the house. I use Visual Studio 2005. I basically am working with Queries using Query Analyzer and playing around with SQL. I have just started dabling in VB.Net.

Although I only have Windows knowledge, I am hungry for learning Cocoa.

I haven't switched yet, but I am looking forward to the next version of the iMac. Once they update this model and it comes with Leopard I will be jumping in with both feet.

Please add me to your long list of names.

Here is my YIM: oceanside_webdude

I'd be interested in this as well, and I've sent a PM to the OP. One of the problems that I have found with trying to learn Objective-C/Cocoa is that there are not a lot of step by step tutorials. Most of the tutorials that are out there expect you to have at least a basic understanding of the C language already. Where does this group stand in terms of a mailing list, IRC or what have you?
Just join the IRC channel. We have no idea where the OP is, but we can manage without him.
join at pownce

for those that want to join in this project at pownce, PM me. I have 11 more invites.
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