You may prefer OSX but that does not mean Windows is bad software, which a lot of you subscribe to, hence peoples defence of PCs. If you were truly "professional" switching from a Mac to Windows would not present a problem. I truly enjoy both OSes as an IT support person, yes there are subtleties with software on different platforms, but to argue Mac OSX is a more stable platform is just plain wrong (let alone ignorant) I prefer OSX as well but use both platforms (Windows primarily for gaming) and have not seen a BSOD since Windows 7. Horses for Courses people.
I used to build windows machines starting with the 386 series. I'm familiar with Windows and used both Macs and PCs for years until 2007 when I switched to a Mac-only environment because I found it to be a much more pleasurable, and expedient, OS to work in for my purposes. I understand people get defensive but nothing I said in my previous posts was arrogant or ignorant of the alternative solutions. (well except that one reply that was obvious sarcasm)